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Supported Pseudo Operations

Enterprise Developer Assembler support includes the following pseudo operations.

Name Only Support
These operations provide no functionality, and are treated as comments when they occur in code:
  • actr
  • aeject
  • aif
  • amode
  • aread
  • aspace
Full Support
  • ago
  • anop
  • ccw
  • ccw1
  • ceject
  • chkcst
  • cnop
  • com
  • copy
  • csect
  • cxd
  • dc
  • drop
  • ds
  • dsect
  • dxd
  • eject
  • end
  • entry
  • equ
  • extrn
  • gbla
  • gblb
  • gblc
  • ictl
  • instr
  • iseq
  • lcla
  • lclb
  • lclc
  • loctr
  • ltorg
  • macro
  • mend
  • mexit
  • mhelp
  • mnote
  • opsyn
  • org
  • pop
  • print
  • punch
  • push
  • repro
  • rmode
  • rsect
  • seta
  • setaf
  • setb
  • setc
  • setcf
  • space
  • start
  • title
  • using
  • wtrn
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