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To create a connection to a remote UNIX host running behind a firewall

If the remote host is running a firewall but is accessible via SSH, you can configure Eclipse to route its network traffic through a SOCKS proxy client such as PuTTY. The client forwards network traffic via the SSH daemon to the remote host machine.
You need the latest version of the PuTTY Telnet and SSH client. Download it from the PuTTY website - click here.
The following example shows the two aspects of the configuration. Firstly, you need to configure the PuTTY Telnet and SSH client to act as a proxy client. Secondly, you will need to configure Eclipse to use the SOCKS network connection type to communicate network traffic.

Configuring PuTTY as the proxy server

  1. In the PuTTY Telenet and SSH client, in the left panel, click Connection > SSH > Tunnels.

    This displays the Options controlling SSH port forwarding panel.

  2. Type an available listening port in the Source port field.
  3. Click Dynamic.
  4. Click Add.

    This adds the port number prefixed with a "D" in the Forwarded ports field.

  5. In the left panel, click Connection > SSH > X11.

    This displays the Options controlling SSH X11 forwarding panel.

  6. Check Enable X11 forwarding.
  7. In the X display location field, type localhost:0.
  8. In the left panel, click Session.

    This displays the Basic options for your PuTTY session panel.

  9. In the Host Name (or IP address) field, type the name or IP address of the remote server you want to connect to.
  10. In the Saved Sessions field, type a descriptive name for the session.
  11. Click Save.

    This creates an entry in the Saved Sessions list.

  12. Click Open.

    This starts a terminal session. Type the username and password when prompted.

  13. In the terminal window, type echo $DISPLAY and press Enter.

    Make a note of the value that is displayed. It is required when configuring the Debug preferences.

Configuring the Eclipse network connection

  1. In Eclipse, click Window > Preferences > General > Network Connections.

    This opens the Network Connections preferences dialog box.

  2. In the Active Provider list, select Manual.
  3. In the Proxy entries table, click the SOCKS row.

    This highlights the row.

  4. Click Edit.

    This opens the Edit Proxy Entry dialog box.

  5. In the Host field, type localhost.
  6. In the Port field, type the port number used in the Source port field in PuTTY.
  7. Click OK.

    This populates the Host and Port cells in the Proxy entries table.

  8. Click Window > Preferences > Micro Focus > Debug.

    This opens the debug preferences.

  9. In the Default X Server (DISPLAY) field, type the DISPLAY value returned by the remote machine in the earlier step.
  10. Click Apply.
  11. Click OK.
When you have completed the configuration you need to create a remote project. Specify Remote file system (RSE) and select Micro Focus DevHub using RSE when choosing the remote system type. See Creating remote projects for more details on creating a remote project.
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