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Create a CICS Application

The CICS application should use the CICS command WRITEQ TD to write the JCL job stream to the DCT you defined earlier. The program needs to be compiled with a non-mainframe dialect and with the CICSECM directive set.


working-storage section.
 78 78-table-size value 22.
 01 ws-table.
     02 value '//CPJTEST JOB ''CPJX'',CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=A ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//*   NOTIFY=CPJ,                         ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//*   USER=CPJ,                           ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//*   PASSWORD=WIBBLE                     ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//*                                       ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//STEP00   EXEC PGM=IEFBR14               ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//A DD DUMMY                              ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//*                                       ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//DUMMY EXEC PGM=IEFBR14                  ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//NEWDSN DD DSN=MFICPJ.WORK.DATA,         ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//       DISP=(,CATLG),                   ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//       DCB=(LRECL=80,RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS),' pic x(80).
     02 value '//       SPACE=(800,(10,10)),UNIT=SYSDA   ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//*                                       ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//GENER EXEC PGM=IEBGENER                 ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                    ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//SYSUT1 DD *                             ' pic x(80).
     02 value 'Rec 1                                     ' pic x(80).
     02 value 'Rec 2                                     ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//SYSUT2 DD SYSOUT=*                      ' pic x(80).
     02 value '//                                        ' pic x(80).
     02 value '/*EOF                                     ' pic x(80).
 01 redefines ws-table.
     02 ws-table-line occurs 78-table-size times           pic x(80).
 01  ws-queue   value 'IRDR'           pic x(4).
 01  ws-x                              pic x(4) comp-5.
 procedure division.
     exec cics enq
     perform varying ws-x from 1 by 1
          until ws-x > 78-table-size
          exec cics writeq td
               from (ws-table-line(ws-x))
     exec cics send from(ws-table) erase end-exec
     exec cics return end-exec
     stop run.
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