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JES Messages

These messages can be printed by the Job Entry Subsystem when a job is submitted or when output is printed.

Message Description
JES000002E JCL parser not avaliable.
JES000003Ennnnn duplicates an existing job number. The job # specified during submission duplicates an already existing job #. You need to reset your job # mechanism.
JES000011E Batch Spool File Error; Status nnnnnn. While trying to access the spool, an unexpected file status was encountered. (nnnnn)
JES000012I Batch Input Spool has been cold-started. There was no casspool.dat file located in the same directory as the System catalog that this server is configured to use. A new one has been created.
JES000013I JOB nnnnn requeued for restart at xxxxxx. The job nnnnn has been queued for restart at the step (and where applicable the procstep) specified by xxxxxx.
JES000014E Job nnnnn not restarted. STEP xxxxxx does not exist. The job nnnnn cannot be restarted because it does not contain the specified step (and where applicable the procstep) specified by xxxxxx.
JES000015I JOB nnnnn does not exist for restart. The job specified does not exist. This may be because the job has been deleted by another user or by the spool housekeeping process.
JES000016E JOB nnnnn not executed. Undefined JES error. Inform Technical Support. An attempt was made to restart a job that wasn't run with restart in effect, or files associated with the job have been deleted.
JES000017E JOB nnnnn job not restarted. This error is displayed when the job or the step specified is non-restartable.
JES000024I Batch Printer: xxxxxx The printer named ‘xxxxxx’ has been initialized.
JES000025E Printer not found: xxxxxx The printer named ‘xxxxxx’ was not located while enumerating through the printers defined on this machine.
JES000025I Printer not found: xxxxxx The printer named ‘xxxxxx’ cannot be found but a printer exit is defined. The printer exit will handle the condition.
JES000026O Exit Module: xxxxxxxx The batch printer specified in the previous JES000024I message is using a printer exit named ‘xxxxxxxx
JES000027E Printer assignment failed. RC = nnnnn A failure occurred while trying to set the default printer for the batch printer sep. A printer matching the specified name was found, but the setting as default printer for this SEP failed.
JES000028E Load fialed for exit Module: xxxxxxxx A printer was found which matches the specified printer name, but the exit routine specified for this batch printer (xxxxxxxx) was not found.
JES000029I Locating batch printer: xxxxxx An information message issued when a batch printer initializes, indicating which printer device is being searched for by this batch printing SEP
JES000029I xxxxxx on yyyyyy Document xxxxxxxx is being printed by the batch printer on printer yyyyyyyy
JES000030E xxxxxx While trying to print the document listed in the previous JES000029I message the spool tried to access the cataloged entry for this sysout dataset. There was a failure upon accessing the catalog specified by the message message
JES000031E Printer open failed. RC = nnnnn A failure occurred in either the API call PC_PRINTER_OPEN or the API call PC_PRINTER_SET_FONT that occurs when a batch SEP tries to drive sysout output through to the defined printer. The failure return code is nnnnn
JES000032E Printer write failed. RC = nnnnn A failured occurred while trying to write to the printer device attached to the batch printing SEP. The return code is documented in the API documentation for PC_PRINTER_WRITE
JES000033E Printer error accessing spool data: xxxxxx A failure occurred while trying to access the physical dataset associated with sysout entry. The file status code of the failure is indicated by the message message.
JES000034E JOBnnnnn - TIME parameter exceeds 65533 seconds after applying class multiplier (xxxxxx).
JES000035E JOBnnnnn - TIME parameter exceeds 65533 seconds after applying class multiplier (xxxxxx)
JES000036E nnnnn xxxxxx
JES000040I SSTM environment established successfully. nnnnn
JES000041E SSTM initialization failure nnnnn
JES000042I SSTM not enabled: nnnnn
JES000050E JCL parsing error: RC = nnnnn. While attempting to compile a piece of JCL for future execution, a failure occurred. The return code for the failure is documented by nnnnn
JES000051I Job Entry Subsystem (JES) services initialized. The JES services for the process have been initialized
JES000052E Job Entry Subsystem (JES) initialization failed. Environment improperly configured. xxxxxxxx When a server is started, JES performs some validation checks to ensure that databases can be properly allocated. These fail messages indicate that this Initial Validation Process detected an error. The error indicates that the IVP was unable to allocate and test DSN on the system catalog. The likely causes are:
  • an error on the JES set tab
  • the System Catalog name is invalid or unusable
  • the Default Allocation Location is invalid or unusable
  • the environment variable MFALLOC_PROP is set
JES000120S Failed to get spool record lock. Type <lock type>, Job# <job number>, Seq# <sequence code>, Loc: <lock point> This error, together with JES000121S is generated by the spool module when it fails to obtain the required lock on a record. The number of times the module retries to obtain the lock can be adjusted via the environment variable: CASSPOOL_LOCK_RETRY_COUNT.
JES000121S Failed to get spool record. FS: <file status>, Type: <lock type>, Job# <job number>, Seq# <sequence code>, Loc: <lock point> This error, together with JES000120S is generated by the spool module when it fails to obtain the required lock on a record. The number of times the module retries to obtain the lock can be adjusted via the environment variable: CASSPOOL_LOCK_RETRY_COUNT.
JES000130E Note JES000011 Error - New casspool indexes may need generating. See error description in product docs

As part of an enhancement to improve performance when browsing the spool queue of an Enterprise Server, you must update the casspool file for any Enterprise Server created before Enterprise Developer 2.2 Update 1, before you can submit jobs to it.

To update the casspool for each Enterprise Server, from a command prompt, run fixcasspool.bat, located in %COBDIR%\bin and %COBDIR%\bin64, using the following syntax:

fixcasspool.bat casspool.dat backup.dat
The spool file, located in the same directory as the Enterprise Server's system catalog, that will be updated.
A file that will be created with a backup of the old casspool.dat file. If backup.dat already exists, the update is not run.
JES000140E Printer Exit reported error printing <dataset information>. RC = <return code>. Where:
dataset information
Consists of the following details separated by colons (:):


return code
The return code from the printer exit.

The following is an example error message:

JES000140E Printer Exit reported error printing SYSAD:MCDPP302:01005:STEP01::SYSUT2:000001:000000:A. RC = +000000009

JES000222E JOB nnnnn cancelled by operator Job # job-number was cancelled via the casout command -k option or via the ESMAC Spool view function
JES000913E JOBnnnnn User xxxxxx has an invalid password or no longer has auth to exec JCL.
JES000914E JOBnnnnn User xxxxxx is not a surrogate of User zzzzzz.
JES000915E JOBnnnnn User xxxxxx does not have authority to submit job zzzzzz.
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