This section describes the procedure for confirming a new method. Method confirmation lets you:
Provide information concerning the names that will be used for the output files of the new environment. During the method confirmation phase, the tool allows you to adopt a single naming mode, which will be set for all the environment files. Once a method has been confirmed, the name of the output file of an expansion can be modified from the
Elaboration Properties window.
Define filters on the selection classes.
To confirm the method:
In the Work with Method area, click
Confirm. The
Confirm Method window is displayed.
Assign a naming convention to output files by choosing one of the following options:
Add Prefix - Adds the prefix specified in the
Prefix box to the name of the data set for the output file and to the name of the data set for the input file.
Add Suffix - Adds the suffix specified in the
Suffix box to the name of the data set for the output file and to the name of the data set for the input file.
String Replacement - Generates a new data set name for the output file by replacing a part of the data set name the input file with the text specified in the
String to search box with text in the
Replace with box.
If required, check
Move excluded files into new step to terminate the creation of the method inserting all the files excluded from the elaborations in the final step of the method.
OK to save your changes or click
Cancel to discard your changes.
If no errors occurred, apply filters to the primary selected class in the
Selection class / Filter properties window as required (see the chapter
Work with Method - Selection class / Filter properties). Otherwise, errors have occurred while output file names were automatically assigned, and the names of the files must be manually assigned. The following conditions will generate errors:
The file name exceeds 44 characters.
Characters to be replaced have not been found in the input name.
One or more qualifiers exceed 8 characters.
When errors occur, the
Reconcile window is displayed.
Edit the file name for each output file listed in the
Reconcile window. To edit the file name for a single file, select the file, type the new name in the
Unload Output File Name window, and click
OK. To edit all file names, click
Modify to access the file naming definition window and edit the criteria as required.