In the List of Jobs section, select
Create Allocation Jobs.
In the General section, select the appropriate
Machine Id and
Company name.
In the File Qualification section, specify values for the following fields:
Application ID - The application ID, if applicable.
DB2 Owner, DL/I DBD - The owner of the DB2 or DL/I DBD file where data will be masked.
File type - The type of file (ADA,
File name - The name of the file where data will be masked.
File version - The version number if the file is GDG.
Record format - Name of the record format.
Apply to submit the job. The
Secondary Options window appears:
Figure 1. Figure 14-2: BTEALSR - Create Allocation Jobs
In the
Secondary Options window, select the required
Group and
Method values, and specify values for the following fields:
From Step / To Step - Range of values for a subset of steps for the selected method.
Max no. of files in JCL - Maximum number of files you want process in a single JCL. If your method exceeds this limit, a new JCL is created for the other files. The default value of the parameter is 2000.
Discard Unchanged Files - Discard all DB2 tables from the allocation JCL that belong to the current method and are neither reduced nor masked.
Max cylinder no. for primary quantity - Maximum number of cylinders that can be assigned to a primary quantity. The value of 0 indicates to use the default value of 4300 cylinder.
Maximum cylinder No. for secondary quantity
- Maximum number of cylinders that can be assigned to a secondary quantity. The value of 0 indicates to use the default value of 4300 cylinder.
Maximum size for disk data sets - Maximum number of cylinders (not for the data set) to be allocated on an alternative unit. If the primary quantity exceeds this dimension, the data set will be allocated on an alternative unit.
Alternative name for unit - Name of the alternative unit where you want to allocate the data set that exceeded the
Maximum size for disk data sets value.
Primary quantity percentage - Percentage of cylinder you want to assign at the primary quantity in regard to the total dimension of output data set. The default value is 10%.
Secondary quantity percentage - Percentage of cylinder you want to assign at the secondary quantity in regard to the total dimension of primary quantity. The default value is 15%.
JCL output data set - Library where the generated JCLs will be stored.
JCL output member for deletion - F irst part of the name of the generated JCLs (the second part will be a 3-digit progressive number starting from 001).
JCL output member for allocation - First part of the name of the generated JCLs (the second part will be a 3-digit progressive number starting from 001).
Submit Job - Indicator of whether to submit the newly created JCLs.