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Importing the JCL CREASEQS into Your Mainframe Environment

In order to import the JCL CREASEQS into your mainframe environment, you must first edit an FTP script, a JCL, list of copybook files, and a list of sequential files. The FTP script, PUT_JCL_SEQ, must be modified to include your login credentials so that you can transfer the JCL CREASEQS to an existing library in your mainframe environment. Then, the CREASEQS JCL must be modified to list the name of the library that will contain it.

After editing the provided files, you run FTPJCLSEQ.BAT, which executes the FTP commands listed in the file PUT_JCL_SEQ.txt.

  1. Edit the FTP script in the PUT_JCL_SEQ.TXT file with the following information:  the IP address of your mainframe
    YOURUSERNAME		   your mainframe user name
    YOURPASSWORD			  your mainframe password
    YOURJCLLIBRARY   the name of the library that you want to contain the JCL

    This FTP script transfers the JCL CREASEQS onto the mainframe environment into your the specified JCL library when FTPJCLSEQ.BAT is executed.

  2. Change each instance of the XXXXXX.XXXXXX library name in the CREASEQS.TXT file to URADAR.DEMOT.
    Note: The library URADAR.DEMOT is used as an example during instructional steps throughout this tutorial. You can use any library that suits your mainframe library naming conventions. However, it is assumed that the mainframe user ID you are using has no restrictions and can therefore access this library.

    The CREASEQS.TXT file contains the JCL that is used to create the PDS library COPYBOOK and the libraries for the following sequential files:

    • EXTSEQ
    • EXTCPY
    Note: The library name URADAR.DEMOT used in this JCL must also be inserted into the FTP job within the PUT_FILE_SEQ.TXT file.
  3. Execute FTPJCLSEQ.BAT to import the JCL into your mainframe environment.
  4. Continue to the next section.
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