Micro FocusĀ Enterprise Test Server 2.3 Update 1
Enterprise Server
Enterprise Server Reference
Error Messages
Enterprise Server Error Messages
CASCT Error Messages
CASCS0000 - CASCT0095
CASCS0000 - CASCT0095
CASCT0000S No messages found
No errors or informational messages have been detected for this screen.
CASCT0001E Invalid key pressed
You have pressed a key that is currently not defined for this screen.
CASCT0010E Codeset flag missing
You must enter the codeset for the file you are trying to edit.
CASCT0015E Codeset entry invalid
You have entered a value for the codeset other than 'A' or 'E' or ' ' or '_'.
CASCT0020E Selection missing
You are missing the selection flag.
CASCT0030E Selection or codeset missing
Either the codeset or the selection flag is missing.
CASCT0035E Highlighted field(s) have invalid hex characters
Invalid hex characters have been entered.
CASCT0037E Missing quote in hex string
The hex string that was entered is missing a quote character.
CASCT0038E Missing quote in character string
The character string that was entered is missing a quote character.
CASCT0040E Highlighted field(s) in error, page up disabled
Highlighted field(s) have an error, paging backwards not allowed until field(s) are fixed.
CASCT0045E Highlighted field(s) in error, page down disabled
Highlighted field(s) have an error, paging forwards not allowed until field(s) are fixed.
CASCT0050E Highlighted field(s) in error, update disabled
Highlighted field(s) have an error, update of fields not allowed until field(s) are fixed.
CASCT0070E Invalid selection, must be K, E, or R
The highlighted field is in error, you must enter a valid value before transfer will take place.
CASCT0080E More than 1 FROM and TO selection
You have selected more than 1 FROM and more than 1 TO. You can only copy from 1 file and place the results in 1 file.
CASCT0081E More than 1 FROM selection
You have selected more than 1 FROM item. You can only copy from 1 file and place the results in 1 file.
CASCT0082E More than 1 TO selection
You have selected more than 1 TO item. You can only copy to 1 file.
CASCT0085E Remote file FROM/TO entry
You have selected a FROM/TO file that is marked as REMOTE. You must enter the file type.
CASCT0087E File type error
You have entered a file type which is invalid or you are missing a file type entry.
CASCT0090E You cannot copy a file onto itself
The FROM and TO file names are exactly the same. You must copy TO a different file.
CASCT0095W Copy option warnings, see line message(s)
Copy options have warnings, see line messages for details.
Parent topic:
CASCT Error Messages