Data Manager license has expired.
The product license has expired.
Contact Micro Focus Product Support for password verification or license extension.
All batch phases
The phase is not enabled.
An internal error occurred during an enabling procedure.
Make sure that you have entered the correct password. If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Product Support for verification of your product license.
All batch phases
The Sampling phase is not enabled.
The product has not been enabled to perform the Sampling phase.
Make sure that you have entered the correct password. If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Product Support for verification of your product license.
The Copybook/File Association phase is not enabled.
The product has not been enabled to perform the Copybook/File Association phase.
Make sure that you have entered the correct password. If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Product Support for verification of your product license.
Copybook/file association
The Data Masking phase is not enabled.
The product has not been enabled to perform the Data Masking phase.
Make sure that you have entered the correct password. If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Product Support for verification of your product license.
Data masking
The Data Subsetting phase is not enabled.
The product has not been enabled to perform the Data Subsetting phase.
Make sure that you have entered the correct password. If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Product Support for verification of your product license.
Data subsetting
The Life Cycle phase is not enabled.
The product has not been enabled to perform the Life Cycle phase.
Make sure that you have entered the correct password. If the problem persists, contact Micro Focus Product Support for verification of your product license.
Life cycle
The From value must precede the To value.
The message displayed is a result of a check on the entered data.
The field contains an incorrect user exit value of
x changed file(s) have been found.
An informational message showing the number of changed files.
Life cycle
x copybook(s) that have been changed and are not associated have been found.
An informational message showing the number of changed copybooks not associated to a file.
Life cycle
x new copybook(s) have been found.
An informational message showing the number of new copybooks found.
Life cycle
x new file(s) have been found.
An informational message showing the number of new files found.
Life cycle
x file(s) with changed fields that do not require confirmation have been found.
An informational message showing the number of changed fields that do not require manual handling.
Life cycle
x file(s) with changed fields that require confirmation have been found.
An informational message showing the number of changed fields that require manual handling using
Work with changed fields.
Life cycle
x file(s) have been updated.
An informational message showing the number of fully processed files.
Life cycle
x copybook(s) have been updated.
An informational message showing the number of fully processed copybooks.
Life cycle
The segment
Segment Name was found in the DBD structure
DBD Name but it was not found in the Knowledge Base.
The DL/I segment has been deleted from the
Data Manager knowledge base or the DL/I unload File has been changed between cataloging and submitting the Job.
Verify that the DBD structure is cataloged and if the segment has been deleted or the upload file has been changed it is necessary to reload all the DBD structure.
Test Environment Creation
The segment
Segment Name belonging to the DBD structure
DBD Name was not found in the Method
Method Name.
The DL/I segment has been excluded from the Method creation.
Verify the Method steps and if the segment has been excluded it is necessary to create a new method with the excluded segment.
Test Environment Creation
The field segment name
Segment Name contains invalid characters.
The field segment name of input file for the "load from external interface" contains invalid characters.
Verify the characters used for the field segment name.
Load From External Interface
The user does not have privileges for table
Table Name.
The user submitting the JCL does not have proper privileges for the DB2 table shown in the message.
Modify privileges to give Public Grant to the Table.
Load Sequential File and Load Impsrc For Life Cycle.
The length of combined data elements
combined name in table
Table Name cannot be longer than 230.
The maximum length of the combined fields is 230 digits.
Create an exit routine in order to manage the longer combined data elements.
Data Subsetting Sampling
Unsupported Data Type for table
Table Name.
There are unsupported DB2 data types in managed table.
Data Manager does not support some DB2 Data Types for Masking, Subsetting, Sampling via direct Access. It is necessary to Unload the table data into a SEQUENTIAL file.
Data Subsetting, Sampling, and Masking
Sampling is not supported for ADABAS.
The sampling process is not supported for ADABAS data base.
Data Sampling
Datastore Name - class
Class Name: a class short description is required.
The class short description is missing.
Insert the class short description into the Field DRCLATYPE of "Import Classification from Data Dictionary" sequential file.
Import Classification from Data Dictionary
Unexpected syntax was found in SYSPUNCH
SYSPUNCH Name during parsing of row with this statement
SYSPUNCH Statement.
The BMC SYSPUNCH parser has encountered unsupported syntax in a SYSPUNCH statement.
Correct the SYSPUNCH statement.
Data Inventory
No file found containing class
Class Name. Check JCL input class.
The referential integrity file used by the JCL Import Method contains an invalid input class.
Correct the referential integrity file.
Data Subsetting
ParentANDChildName field
ParentANDChildField, file
The referential integrity file contains a relationship in which a Parent data store its Child data store are recursive.
In the referential integrity file, identify the affected parent and child tables and correct the relationship.
Data Subsetting
Method Name has not been successfully updated, please check to see if the method exists.
The method has been deleted or it has not been created.
Check the method name inserted into Job or uncheck the new button "Update method before submit the JCL".
Data Subsetting