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The HSSYSREL table is used for SYSRELS views. The following table describes the columns in the HSSYSREL table:

Column Type Length Decimal Domain
CREATOR VARCHAR 128 0 The schema of the dependent table of the referential constraint
TBNAME VARCHAR 128 0 Name of the dependent table of the referential constraint
RELNAME VARCHAR 128 0 Constraint name
REFTBNAME VARCHAR 128 0 Name of the parent table of the referential constraint
REFTBCREATOR VARCHAR 128 0 The schema of the parent table
COLCOUNT SMALLINT 4 0 Number of columns in the foreign key
DELETERULE CHAR 1 0 Type of delete rule for the referential constraint
RELOBID1 SMALLINT 4 0 Internal identifier of the constraint with respect to the database that contains the parent table
RELOBID2 SMALLINT 4 0 Internal identifier of the constraint with respect to the database that contains the parent table
TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP 26 0 Date and time the constraint was defined
IXOWNER VARCHAR 128 0 The schema of unique non-primary index used for the parent key
IXNAME VARCHAR 128 0 Name of unique non-primary index used for a parent key
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