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Grid functions

A context menu to display a list of functions for a grid can be displayed by right-clicking any place on the grid.
Note: All changes to the grid layout are saved in the Windows registry. For example, groups , column width attributes, column order attributes , and column font and color information . However, filtering and sorting preferences are not saved.

The grid functions context menu contains the following options:

Menu option Description
Column Selector Displays a Customize window that contains a list of columns that have been removed previously. A column can be restored by performing a drag-and-drop operation to the desired position in the list. A column can be removed from a list by performing a drag-and-drop operation from the list to the Customize window.
Best Fit (All Columns) Resizes all the columns from the list to allow the content of each record to be displayed.
Export to File Exports the information to a file using one of the following compatible formats:
  • comma separated value (.csv)
  • Hyper Text Markup Language (.htm)
  • text (.txt)
  • Excel (.xls)
  • Extensible Markup Language (.xml)
Show Summary Footer Displays the summary footer beneath the grid. By selecting a row and right-clicking the summary footer, a context menu displaying arithmetic operations you can perform on the selected row appears.

Note: Arithmetic operations are only possible on numeric contents.

Possible arithmetic operations include:


Displays the sum of all quantities in the column. This option is active only for columns with integer or percentage values; if the value of the cells in a specific column are represented as a percentage their sum does not always equal 100%.

Displays the minimum value of all values in the column. The option is active only for columns with numerical values.
Displays the maximum value of all values in the column. The option is active only for columns with numerical values.
Displays the number of elements in a column.
Displays the arithmetic mean of all values in the column. The option is active only for columns with numerical values.
Specifies using no arithmetic operation on a column.
Show Group Panel Displays the column name by which data is grouped above the grid. By dragging the column headers into this window, a group hierarchy can be defined.
Note: If data is being grouped by column, a footer panel is displayed beneath the grid for each group.
Filter Active If enabled, lets you choose data to be displayed on the grid: a downward arrow icon will appear in the column headers.

Click an arrow to choose the data to be displayed on the grid. This function lets you generate a personal filter.

Note: The time taken to display the window increases with the number of records to be loaded.
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