Note: This section applies only for Micro Focus
Data Manager for z/OS.
The copybook analysis parameters include:
- Analysis Option
- Indicates the conditions under which a copybook must be analyzed. For example:
- Perform the analysis only if the data store has not been analyzed.
- Perform the analysis if the data store has been analyzed but not associated.
- Perform the analysis even the data store has already been analyzed and associated.
- Maximum Progressive of I/O Area
- Specifies the maximum number of incongruent formats an I/O area can describe through the REDEFINES clause (within COBOL copies) or the READDRESSING (within PL/I includes) clause.
- COBOL Decimal Separator
- Specifies the decimal separator within the COBOL copybook.
- Statements beginning in PL/I sources - Statements length in PL/I sources
- Specifies the source start column and the length of the source row within the PL/I INCLUDES.
Note: During analysis, default values can be temporarily modified.