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XDB_ index-name_ location-name

XDB_index-name_location-name is an optional environment variable that is used in conjunction with the VCAT NAME option of the SQL CREATE INDEX command. To physically locate each index on a specific storage device (drive and path), specify a path in the [Server] topic of the xdb.ini file for each index/location combination, and subsequently create the index using the VCAT NAME option.

The format for this environment variable is:


If a qualifier is required, enter a two-part name for the index-name, such as:


For example, to create and store an index called customerindex on d:\indexes\customer and another index called ordersindex on e:\indexes\orders (both for tables in the TUTORIAL location), you would make two entries in the xdb.ini file, and issue two SQL CREATE INDEX commands as follows:

  1. In the [Server] topic of the xdb.ini file, enter the following:
    XDB_customerindex_tutorial=d:\indexes\customer XDB_ordersindex_tutorial=e:\indexes\orders
  2. Using the USING VCAT Index Options under the Create/Alter Table function in SQL Wizard, issue the following commands:
    CREATE INDEX customerindex ON customer(c_no) 
    CREATE INDEX ordersindex ON orders(o_no) 
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