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Columnar (Fixed-Format) ASCII Files

Use this format to export data from an XDB Server table or view to a fixed-format ASCII file. This format is a common means of transferring data from one program to another. Many software applications (including SQLWizard) provide a means of creating and reading ASCII files. There are two ASCII file formats:

Because every record fits into a standard form, field delimiters are not required for this format. However, you do need to specify number of space characters to be entered between columns and whether or not a header row should be exported.

When you use the Browse button to choose a target file, export will search for the selected file format. Fixed-format is indicated by the file name extension .fix.

The following table shows you the columnar fixed-format ASCII format options:

Spaces Enter a number to indicate how many space characters should be inserted between columns of data in the exported file.
Heading Select this option if you want to insert the column names in the first row of the target file. If you do not want columns names to appear in the first row, deselect the Heading checkbox.
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