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Export Options Dialog Box

Items appearing on the Export Options dialog box are described below.

On Error Sets error handling options.
  Continue Continues processing after encountering a recoverable error.
  Quit Aborts the current export transaction. If running a Batch Export file containing multiple transactions, starts the next transaction.
  End All Aborts all export processing. If running a Batch Export file containing multiple transactions, cancels all subsequent transactions.
  Prompt If an error is encountered, prompts for further action.
ASCII Conversion Translates the character data in the export's output file by indicating the appropriate code page translation to use. This translation happens after the data is presented by the XDB engine.
Error Logging Keeps a list of all errors encountered during an export process. After the export process completes, you can view the listing of errors by editing the file with an ASCII text editor.
  On Indicates that you want to write errors to a log file.
  File Specifies the name of a file to receive the error listing.
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