This section presents a listing of the mfjdxit.cpy copybook used by JXIT. The source for this copybook is in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\cpylib .
*=============================================================== * Copyright (C) Micro Focus International Ltd. *=============================================================== * * MFJDXIT - JCL User Exit Control Block * Contains interface information and is passed as a parameter * to the JCL user exit (MFJUXIT) which is invoked as * call 'MFJUXIT' using JXIT * * Notes: * 1. It should be included as follows (e.g.) * 1 JXIT. * COPY MFJDXIT REPLACING ==(tag)== BY ==JXIT==. * 2. Fields beginning with JXIT-I- ( (tag)-I- ) are Input * to the user exit and must not be modified * e.g. JXIT-I-size * 3. Fields beginning with JXIT-U- ( (tag)-U- ) are Input and * Output. On entry to the user exit, they are set as * appropriate and may be changed by the user exit to an * acceptable value upon return. * e.g. (tag)-U-PGM-alias * 4. All data is ASCII(ANSI). Null values are those appropriate * for the data type. i.e. blanks for character data, * zeros for numeric and binary data * * *=============================================================== *=============================================================== * Header *=============================================================== 3 (tag)-I-header. * Size of this block 5 (tag)-I-size pic s9(8) comp. * Unless otherwise noted, all events occur for * JCL, TSO, and TSO-in-batch (PGM=IKJEFTxx or IDAEFTxx) * Event code of event. Ignore undefined event codes. 5 (tag)-I-event pic s9(8) comp. * The following events occur for JCL and TSO-in-batch * and represent execution of a JCL JOB stream 88 (tag)-I-event-job-ready value 1. 88 (tag)-I-event-job-flushed value 2. 88 (tag)-I-event-job-started value 3. 88 (tag)-I-event-job-JCL-error value 4. 88 (tag)-I-event-job-ended value 5. * The following events occur for an interactive TSO * session only 88 (tag)-I-event-TSO-started value 6. 88 (tag)-I-event-TSO-ended value 7. * The following events occur for JCL and TSO-in-batch * and represnt execution of "EXEC PGM=" JCL stmt 88 (tag)-I-event-step-ready value 8. 88 (tag)-I-event-step-started value 9. 88 (tag)-I-event-step-ended value 10. 88 (tag)-I-event-step-bypassed value 11. * The following events occur for TSO and TSO-in-batch * (IKJEFT01) and * ... represent execution of the TSO "CALL pgm" command 88 (tag)-I-event-CALL-ready value 12. 88 (tag)-I-event-CALL-started value 13. 88 (tag)-I-event-CALL-ended value 14. * ... represent execution of the DSN subcommand * "RUN PROG(pgm)" 88 (tag)-I-event-RUN-ready value 15. 88 (tag)-I-event-RUN-started value 16. 88 (tag)-I-event-RUN-ended value 17. * All of the above events occur in the parent process, * The process in which the job/step preparation occurs. * * The following events occur for all environments * for execution of a program following all * "...-started" events. * ***Note*** that these events occur in the child process * that executes the program. Any working storage used by * the user exit will not be the same as that for * other events which occur in the parent process. * In the parent process, your user exit will not remember * information prior to "event-before-PGM-call" or after * "event-after-PGM-call". Since both of these events * occur in the shild process, the user exit will be * able to remember information between these two events. 88 (tag)-I-event-before-PGM-call value 18. 88 (tag)-I-event-after-PGM-call value 19. *=============================================================== * Action codes for all events. Upon return from the user exit, * action code indicates next course of action to be taken. * Upon entry to the user exit, it is set to zero. *=============================================================== 5 (tag)-U-action pic s9(8) comp. * The JCL engine should continue as if the exit were * never invoked. Any modified data will be ignored. 88 (tag)-U-action-continue value 0. * The JCL engine should not call the exit any more in * this process for this job/TSO session 88 (tag)-U-action-shut-exit value 1. *=============================================================== * Action codes for: event-job-ready *=============================================================== * The JCL engine should use all modified * fields except pc-fname 88 (tag)-U-action-MVS-dsn value 2. * The JCL engine should use all modified * fields except MVS-dsn 88 (tag)-U-action-pc-fname value 3. * The JCL engine should flush the job 88 (tag)-U-action-flush value 4. *=============================================================== * Action codes for: event-step-ready * event-CALL-ready * event-RUN-ready *=============================================================== * The JCL engine should use all modified fields 88 (tag)-U-action-PGM-info value 5. * The JCL engine should abend this step/program. * The step/program will be abended with * S822 (Region not available) 88 (tag)-U-action-abend value 6. *=============================================================== * Action codes for: event-job-ended * event-TSO-ended * event-step-ended * event-CALL-ended * event-RUN-ended *=============================================================== * The JCL engine should use all modified fields 88 (tag)-U-action-term-info value 7. *=============================================================== * Action codes for: event-job-started * event-job-flushed * event-job-JCL-error * event-TSO-started * event-step-bypassed * event-step-started * event-CALL-started * event-RUN-started * event-before-PGM-call * event-after-PGM-call * - No Action codes defined other than 0 *=============================================================== 5 pic x(20). *=============================================================== * Event related data - varies by event *=============================================================== 3 (tag)-I-data pic x(368). *=============================================================== * Data for: event-job-ready *=============================================================== 3 redefines (tag)-I-data. 5 (tag)-I-data-job-ready. * Job number 7 (tag)-I-jobnum-assigned pic 9(5). * Fully qualified PC file name. 7 (tag)-U-pc-fname pic x(260). * If available, MVS data set name (including member if * a PDS) assoicated with pc-fname, otherwise blanks. * e.g. MFIDSA.CNTL(MYJOB) (for a PDS member) or * S0310.S070508.J01364.D00002.SYSUT2 (for PS) 7 (tag)-U-MVS-dsn pic x(54). * 7 (tag)-I-submit-type pic x(1). 88 (tag)-I-submit-type-exec value 'E'. 88 (tag)-I-submit-type-scan value 'S'. 7 (tag)-I-animate pic x(1). 88 (tag)-I-animate-on value 'Y'. 88 (tag)-I-animate-off value 'N'. *=============================================================== * Data for: event-job-flushed * See event-job-ready. * - Only the first field is relevant *=============================================================== *=============================================================== * Data for: event-job-started * event-job-JCL-error * event-TSO-started * event-step-bypassed * - Field names containing "step" are irrelevant for non-step * related events *=============================================================== 3 redefines (tag)-I-data. 5 (tag)-I-data-job-started. 7 pointer. 7 pointer. 7 pointer. * * Active System and Subsystems combinations are: * System Subsystem * ---------------- * JCL JCL * JCL TSO (IKJEFTxx) * JCL IMS (DFSRC000) * TSO TSO * TSO IMS (CALL DFSRC000) * IMS IMS * CICS CICS * * Active system 7 (tag)-I-system pic x. 88 (tag)-I-system-JCL value x'00'. 88 (tag)-I-system-TSO value x'01'. 88 (tag)-I-system-ims value x'02'. 88 (tag)-I-system-cics value x'03'. 88 (tag)-I-system-null value x'04'. * Active subsystem 7 (tag)-I-subsystem pic x. 88 (tag)-I-subsystem-JCL value x'00'. 88 (tag)-I-subsystem-TSO value x'01'. 88 (tag)-I-subsystem-ims value x'02'. 88 (tag)-I-subsystem-cics value x'03'. 88 (tag)-I-subsystem-null value x'04'. 7 (tag)-I-jobname pic x(8). 7 (tag)-I-userid pic x(8). 7 (tag)-I-jobstep pic x(8). 7 (tag)-I-procstep pic x(8). 7 (tag)-I-jobnum pic 9(5). 7 (tag)-I-stepnum pic 9(3). 7 (tag)-I-procstepnum pic 9(3). 7 pic x(1). 7 pic x(1). 7 (tag)-I-msgclass pic x(1). 7 (tag)-I-msglevel1 pic x(1). 7 (tag)-I-msglevel2 pic x(1). 7 pic x. 7 pic x(1). * Dates in YYYYMMDD format, times in HHMMSShh 7 (tag)-I-job-start-date pic 9(8). 7 (tag)-I-job-start-time pic 9(8). 7 (tag)-I-step-start-date pic 9(8). 7 (tag)-I-step-start-time pic 9(8). *=============================================================== * Data for: event-job-ended * event-TSO-ended * event-step-ended * event-CALL-ended * event-RUN-ended * event-after-PGM-call * See event-job-started * - plus the following data *=============================================================== 5 (tag)-U-data-job-ended. 7 (tag)-U-term-type pic x. 88 (tag)-U-term-type-normal value x'00'. 88 (tag)-U-term-type-user-abend value x'01'. 88 (tag)-U-term-type-sys-abend value x'02'. 88 (tag)-U-term-type-RTS-err value x'03'. 88 (tag)-U-term-type-RU-err value x'04'. 88 (tag)-U-term-type-unknown value x'05'. 7 pic x(3). 7 (tag)-U-term-return-code pic s9(8) comp. 7 (tag)-U-term-reason-code pic s9(8) comp. *=============================================================== * Data for: event-step-ready * event-step-started * event-CALL-ready * event-CALL-started * event-RUN-ready * event-RUN-started * event-before-PGM-call * See event-job-started * - Plus the following data * - Field names containing "step" are relevant *=============================================================== 5 (tag)-I-data-step-ready. 7 (tag)-I-PGM-name pic x(8). 7 (tag)-U-PGM-alias pic x(8). 7 (tag)-U-PGM-parm. 9 (tag)-U-PGM-parm-len pic s9(4) comp. 9 (tag)-U-PGM-parm-txt pic x(100). *= End of MFJDXIT ==============================================