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Using the Exit

You can associate a printer exit module with a batch printer SEP defined as a permanent feature of an Enterprise Server, or with a batch printer SEP created during a session, or both. A printer exit module can also be associated with more than one batch printer SEP.

To create a printer SEP with an exit as a permanent feature, you use the Enterprise Server Administration JES Printer Tab:

  1. In the table of servers on the Home page of Enterprise Server Administration, click Edit to the left of the row for the relevant server.
  2. Navigate to Server > Properties > MSS > JES > Printers .
  3. Click Add and specify the details for the printer, giving the name of the printer exit in the Exit Module field.
  4. Click Add.

The executable file of the printer exit module must be on either the MSS Transaction Path, the JES Program Path or the COBPATH. Alternatively, if the exit is a Windows dll, it must be in a directory specified in the PATH environment variable.

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