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These are the differences in the Micro Focus support for VSE JCL.
DD persistence
DD’s cannot persist across a job boundary, except for standard labels.
Development environment
There is no VSE development environment (such as ICCF, DITTO or LIBR). The development work is done in the development environment - typically Visual Studio or Eclipse. COBOL executables are generated in the usual Micro Focus way.

There is no support for Compile/Link or Compile/Go using JCL. Enterprise Developer, however, supports ICCF type libraries for inclusion within JCL.

Dynamically-entered JCL
JCL statements can only be executed as part of a submitted file; that is, you cannot enter VSE JCL statements dynamically at the operator console.
JCL and POWER jobs
There must be a single JCL job within a POWER job and a single POWER job in a submitted JCL file.
Output listings
Output listings, such as joblog, do not have a VSE look and feel.
There is no support for VSE BACKGROUND, FOREGRAND, STATIC or DYNAMIC partitions.
TAPE support
There is no TAPE support in PC environment. TLBL statements are processes and the associated datasets are being written to disk. For datasets defined as TAPE, some tape specific information from the TLBL statements is held on the catalog so they can be identified and written to specific directories using the default allocation override function which is described separately.
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