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Dialog System

Support for Dialog System applications is available in Enterprise Developer for Visual Studio if you install the Compatibility AddPack, distributed for free through the Micro Focus SupportLine Web site, and the Product Updates section.

The Compatibility AddPack for Enterprise Developer includes the Dialog System GUI component that enables you to run and modernize Dialog System applications with Enterprise Developer. The AddPack enables you to upgrade an application to Enterprise Developer and from there, you can run the application without change, or modernize it over time.

The application runs under Enterprise Server and the Dialog System run-time system in the Add Pack.

Note: The Compatibility AddPack for Enterprise Developer is not part of Enterprise Developer or the Enterprise Server. It is separately installable and available from the Product Updates section on the Micro Focus SupportLine Web site. See the release notes of the AddPack for more information and for where to find the documentation of the individual components.
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