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Import and Build the Sample Project

  1. On your local drive, create a tutorials directory, then create a DataToolsDemo subdirectory. For example, c:\tutorials\DataToolsDemo.
  2. Copy all files from the DataToolsDemo samples directory installed with Enterprise Developer, which by default is %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\DataToolsDemo, to your new local c:\tutorials\DataToolsDemo directory.
  3. Start Enterprise Developer.
  4. Click File > Open > Project/Solution.
  5. Use the Open Project dialog box to navigate to the local tutorials\DataToolsDemo directory.
  6. Double-click DataToolsDemo.sln to open it.
  7. From the Solution Explorer, right-click the DataToolsDemo solution; then select Build from the context menu. This compiles the COBOL program dfdstaff.cbl and creates the dfdstaff.idy file in the output directory of the solution, which is used later in this tutorial.
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