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MFBSIJCL Return Codes

This table shows return codes from MFBSIJCL.

Return Code Description
200 CASSUB parameters missing

The minimum parameters required to execute cassub not specified or can't be configured from mfbsi.cfg

(-r/-l/sTCP:... -j|-x)
201 Too many parameters on the command line

More than 35 parameters found on the mfbsijcl command line

202 Unknown command line parameter detected
203 Scheduler jobLog not assigned (SJobID)
204 MFBSI_DIR environment variable not set
205 MFBSI_DIR defines an invalid dir/folder
206 Invalid numeric value for TimeOut
207 JCL UserExit failed to execute / Rc <> 00

An mfbsi user exit returns with Rc not equal to zero

208 JES/JCL error detected

Job has been submitted but JES detected a JCL error

209 Job submission failed (See JobLog output)

JCL member not found. See message JCLSI0003I in mfbsi jobLog for details

210 JobConcluded signal event not returned

ES Event Manager user-exit (mfbsiemx) didn't return the event "job concluded"

211 Job ended, no numeric RC returned

Contact Micro Fous Support

212 CommandLine parameters missing

No commandLine parameters found when executing mfbsijcl

213 Configuration parameter unknown

Invalid/unknown commandLine parameters found when executing mfbsijcl

214 Unable to configure JCL to submit parameter

The cassub parameter "-j|-x" can't be determined

215 TYPRUN=SCAN: scan successful
216 TYPRUN=SCAN: scan failed
217 JCL UserExit program missing or not found

Module name specified in JCLexit=??? can't be loaded

Windows: ???.int/???.gnt/???.dll

UNIX: ???.int/???.gnt/???.so|???.sl

218 Terminate user-exit program missing or not found

Module name specified in TerminateExit==??? can't be loaded

220 Restart for Job failed

Job to restart not found in ES/JCL

ES_JES_RESTART=Y and/or MF_UCC11=Y missing in ES Configuration Information

221 Unable to call module "MFBSIPRM"

Internal error. Contact Micro Focus Support

222 Error during skeletal parameter(s) substitution

Internal error. Contact Micro Focus Support

223 MFBSI.cfg error: "SkelProcessType" unknown

Internal error. Contact Micro Focus Support


More than 10 ISPSLIB paths

Internal error. Contact Micro Focus Support

225 Server crashed/killed when job was waiting for execution

mfbsijcl is unable to correctly contact the JCL region to get the job state

226 SYS/USR-ABEND-RC=nnn in MFBSI.cfg not numeric or greater than 199
227 JESYSMSG-RC=Y(es) requires parameter JESYSMSG

The parameter "JESYSMSG-RC=Y(es)" should no longer be used

228 Server crashed/killed when job was running

mfbsijcl is unable to correctly contact the JCL region to get the job state

229 Job state unknown or inconsistent. Check Job status via SEE Web admin

mfbsijcl is unable to correctly determine the job state

(Information from the Event Manager user-exit not in sync with job state)

230 Max number of parameters to substitute reached

When using parameter(s) substitution, maximum 500 parameters are allowed

On the command line, maximum 15 pairs ParamName/ParamValue are allowed

231 Parameter file used for variable substitution not found

A file to be used with parameters substitution can't be found

232 mfbsijcl execution cancelled by a SIGTERM/Break signal

mfbsijcl has been interrupted by a soft kill (e.g. Ctrl+C)

233 Submitted job cancelled before execution

A job waiting for execution in ES has been cancelled

234 MFBSI Control-M Post-Processing Handler Error

Internal error. Contact Micro Focus Support

235 Invalid special file name for mfbsi.cfg

The alternate path of mfbsi.cfg (default in MFBSI_DIR) is incorrect

236 Special file name for "mfbsi.cfg" not found

The alternate mfbsi.cfg can't be found

237 Invalid EMX-Timout parameter value. See mfbsi.cfg

Internal error. Contact Micro Focus Support

241 MFBSISEC user-exit module not found
242 Invalid MFBSIEMX version level. MFBSIEMX v3. is required

An old version of the Event Manager user-exit is used

243 In MFBSI_DIR, "regionName.Started" not found

ES/JCL region not started or not configured for MFBSI

See ES "Configuration Information" MFBSI_DIR=… or ES_EMP_EXIT_#=mfbsiemx missing

# specifies the Event Manager user-exit sequence number (starting from 1. Max 9.)

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