We supply two sample CICS programs for use in this tutorial, INCCA.cbl and SECCA.cbl, both located in the %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\Mainframe\Interface Mapping Toolkit\Classic\ServiceInterfaces\CommareaDemo directory by default. You can also access them from the Samples Browser.
01 dfhcommarea. 03 int-fld pic 9(5). 03 comp-fld pic 99v99 comp-3. 03 dec-fld pic 999v99. 03 disp-fld pic 9(4) display. 03 string-fld pic x(80). 03 grp-fld occurs 5. 05 individual-item-fld pic 9(3) occurs 3.
All fields are input/output fields, with the exception of the grp-fld array, which is an output field.
add 1 to int-fld add 1.25 to comp-fld add 1.50 to dec-fld add 10 to disp-fld move 100 to individual-item-fld(1, 1) move 100 to individual-item-fld(1, 2) move 100 to individual-item-fld(1, 3) move 200 to individual-item-fld(2, 1) move 200 to individual-item-fld(2, 2) move 200 to individual-item-fld(2, 3) move 300 to individual-item-fld(3, 1) move 300 to individual-item-fld(3, 2) move 300 to individual-item-fld(3, 3) move 400 to individual-item-fld(4, 1) move 400 to individual-item-fld(4, 2) move 400 to individual-item-fld(4, 3) move 500 to individual-item-fld(5, 1) move 500 to individual-item-fld(5, 2) move 500 to individual-item-fld(5, 3)
01 dfhcommarea pic x(180).
01 wrkcommarea. 03 in-string pic x(80). 03 out-string pic x(100).
move dfhcommarea to wrkcommarea string 'SECCA received: ' delimited by size in-string delimited by size into out-string move wrkcommarea to dfhcommarea