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The demonstration includes both ECI and EPI programs.

The ECI and EPI programs are supplied with Enterprise Developer in: %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\Mainframe\CICS\Classic\CTGDEMO.

The client programs are located in subfolder cblcli.

The server-based CICS programs are located in subfolder cblsrv.

ECI demonstration

The ECI demonstration uses two COBOL programs:
  • eci-call.cbl: a client ECI COBOL program that prompts the user for a message, sets up the ECI interface and invokes the CICS program eci2oper. The program loops on these functions until the user presses Enter without entering a message.
  • eci2oper.cbl: a CICS server program that writes the message received in its commarea to the console.log file, sending EIBRESP and EIBRESP2 back to the caller.

EPI demonstration

The EPI demonstration also involves two COBOL programs:
  • epicli.cbl: a client EPI COBOL program that prompts the user for a message, sets up the ECI interface and invokes the CICS transaction EPI1. The program loops on these functions until the user presses Enter without leaving a further message.
  • episrv.cbl: a CICS server program that receives from and sends to the client EPI program, writing the message received to the console.log file, and sending the message back to the EPI client program, prepending it with the current task number.
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