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Add a CTG listener to the CTGDEMO server

For the CTGDEMO server to receive and process the CTG request flow, you need to add a CTG listener to your new Enterprise Server.
To add a listener for the CTGDEMO applications, you need to:
  1. Click Start > All Programs > Micro Focus Enterprise Developer > Tools > Enterprise Developer Command Prompt (32-bit) to open up an Enterprise Developer command prompt window.
  2. Enter: casstart /rCTGDEMO. This starts your new Enterprise Server, which you can confirm by returning to the Enterprise Server Administration home page within Enterprise Developer - after a few refreshes, the status column corresponding to CTGDEMO should say Started.
  3. From the Enterprise Server Administration home page, in the row corresponding to CTGDEMO, click Edit.
  4. Click the Listeners tab.
  5. Click Add and complete the following details for the new listener:
    • Name: enter a name for the listener, in this case enter ECIListener.
    • Endpoint Address: which generally indicates which port number to use, in the form *:nnnn. In this case, enter *:1435 to match the information you provided during the CTG configuration process.
    • Supported Conversation Type: click the CICS Transaction Gateway radio button.
  6. Click Add to save your work and return to the Listeners page.
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