To access a data file through AcuServer, the following syntax must be passed to the file handler:
You can specify the full syntax in the SELECT statement. For example, the following statement connects to the server asvr1, on port 3011, then locates the file idx1 at C:\idx\.
... select acusvridx assign to acurfap://asvr1:3011:c:\idx\idx1. ...
If you are not explicitly using the AcuServer syntax in your SELECT statement, for example:
... select acusvridx assign to idx1. ...
you must specify it in the COBDATA environment variable using the syntax described above:
set COBDATA=%COBDATA%; "acurfap://servername:port:path/to/file"
The following example connects to the server asvr2, on the default port, then locates the file in the SELECT statement at c:\idx\.
set COBDATA=%COBDATA%; "acurfap://asvr2::c:\idx"
If a path name is specified in COBDATA, it is prepended to the file name before file name mapping takes effect.
You must also compile with FILETYPE=17 if you are using a sequential file, or if your file handling configuration file does not specify IDXFORMAT=17 for the Vision file.