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System Parameters

MFBSI automatically defines the system variables that can be used in your JCL member. These variables are resolved before job submission and are not reevaluated during job execution.

Parameter / Variable Description
SJOBID JobID assigned by the scheduler. Contains a maximum of 16 characters, translated to upper case.
MEMNAME JCL member name, translated to upper case.
BLANK One blank ( space character X'20')
BLANKn Resolves to n blanks, where n is a number from 1 through 80
TIMEID Current time of day, in hhmmss format. This variable receives the current time only when it is first resolved in a job. Subsequent resolutions within that job do not update the variable.
TIME Current time of day, in hhmmss format. This parameter receives the current time each time it is invoked.
$CENT First two digits in the current year (for example, 20 in the year 2009)
DATE Current system date (format yymmdd)
DAY Current system day (format dd)
MONTH Current system month (format mm)
YEAR Current system year (format yy)
WEEK Current week in the year (that is, 01 through 53)
WDAY Current system day of the week (Example: 1=Sunday, 2=Monday and 0=Saturday)
JULDAY Current system day (Julian format jjj)
$JULDAY Current system day (Julian format yyyyjjj)
$DATE Current system date (format yyyymmdd)
$YEAR Current system year (format yyyy)
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