tar: /safenet.tar: No such file or directory
To resolve this issue, wait for the installation to complete and then perform the following:
By default, the MF SafeNet licensing service is still configured so that it starts automatically when starting your machine. Only on RHEL 7, you must use the systemctl command available with the OS if you need to override the default behaviour – for example, if you do not want run the MF SafeNet licensing service at start-up or if you do not want the service to automatically start when you are configuring trace levels.
----------- start of /usr/lib/systemd/system/MFSafeNet.service ----------- [Unit] Description=Micro Focus SafeNet licensing daemons. Documentation=http://supportline.microfocus.com [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/var/microfocuslicensing/bin/startboth.sh ExecStop=/var/microfocuslicensing/bin/stopboth.sh Restart=no [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ----------- end of /usr/lib/systemd/system/MFSafeNet.service -----------
[ asroot ] systemctl option MFSafeNet
Where some of the values that option can take are:
For more information about systemctl, refer to the help available with the RHEL OS.
To avoid performance issues, "localhost" and the computer hostname must not both be mapped to IP address You should only map "localhost" to IP address
The following is an example of how to specify these entries correctly in the etc/hosts file: localhost.localdomain localhost IP machinelonghostname machineshorthostname
where IP is the unique IP address of the computer in xx.xx.xx.xx format.