Client programs using the CTG APIs can run on the same machine as the Enterprise Server region, or on different physical hardware. In either case, requests are submitted to the target region through the communication layer via the Web Services and J2EE listener.
You use the CTG APIs (ECI, EPI and ESI) in your client program to communicate with the CICS application running under Enterprise Server. The calls from your client program are passed through the IBM CICS Transaction Gateway to Enterprise Server.
Client programs can add a CALL statement to the dll exposing the required ECI/EPI API, include an INITCALL directive (COBOL), or link the client module to the appropriate .lib file.
You need to configure CTG to refer to a named Enterprise Server and a nominated port - this is most commonly done via the IBM CICS Transaction Gateway Configuration Tool. ECI and EPI calls via CTG require the creation of a CTG listener, which can be accomplished via the Listeners tab of the relevant Enterprise Server Administration screen, ensuring that the Endpoint Address corresponds to the specified CTG port, and CICS Transaction Gateway is selected as the supported conversation type.