Mainframe Access has successfully initialized the DSS component. Any pre-allocated item libraries are now ready for use.
Mainframe Access failed to initialize the DSS component. The services normally provided by DSS are therefore not available.
The DSS component was unable to acquire enough virtual memory to build a pool of reusable resources.
Adjust the configuration or memory allocation for the Mainframe Access started task.
The DSS component was unable to initialize a shared public file because the file specified was not a VSAM key-sequenced data set. DSS discards the request and continues processing. All item libraries are shared public files.
Ensure that all item libraries are created as VSAM key-sequenced data sets.
The DSS server has been successfully shut down as part of the Mainframe Access shutdown procedure.
The DSS server detected an invalid request. DSS discards the request and continues processing.
If you see this message contact our Product Support.
The item library named is now online and available.
The item library named has been taken offline and is no longer available.
Adjust the configuration or memory allocation for the Mainframe Access started task.
Ensure that all item libraries are created as VSAM key-sequenced data sets.
If you see this message contact our Product Support.
DSS encountered a dynamic allocation error while attempting to allocate the specified data set. Here are some possible reason and information codes:
Reason | Info | Description |
02xx | Environmental errors: memory or authorization | |
0352 | 0002 | Invalid data set name |
0003 | Invalid member name | |
0004 | Invalid disposition | |
1708 | 0002 | Unable to locate data set name in catalog |
All reason codes and information codes are in hexadecimal notation. For a full list of errors and further information on z/OS dynamic allocation errors, see Chapter 26 of the IBM manual MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide.
A dynamic allocation request has been aborted because another system service request within this task has already locked access to the TIOT (Task Input/Output Table). The request will be re-tried after a 50 millisecond delay. For further information on OS/390 Dynamic Allocation errors, refer to Chapter 26 of the IBM publication (GC27-1763) MVS Authorized System Services Guide.
A member of a PDS was to be locked for exclusive access by this operation. However, the PDS member could not be locked at this time due to competion from another user. This request has already been retried several times over a three second period, and now the transaction is being aborted due to BLOCKED status. For further information on OS/390 ENQ errors, refer to the IBM publication MVS Assembler Services Reference (GC28-1910).
RC | Description ENQ RET=USE |
04 | Resource not available |
08 | Task already has control of this resource |
12 | Task has previously failed to acquire this resource |
A transient file was not opened properly for subsequent use by MFA resource cleanup (SNAP) or job submission (READER) or logging (SYSOUT). The request is aborted. Additional IBM messages may have been displayed on the SYSLOG to explain the nature of the failure. The MFA Direct server continues to run with degraded services.
The file named in the associated message MFMDS031 has a file format that is not currently supported by MFA. This includes such formats as ISAM, HFS files, direct-access keyed files, and various spanned record formats.
DSS detected an attempt to write a logical record which exceeded the maximum logical record size for the file named in the associated message MFMDS031.
DSS detected an invalid parameter list passed by a calling program.
If you see this message contact our Product Support.
DSS detected an attempt to create an invalid filename.
If you see this message contact our Product Support.
During an update operation, a logical record was too large to be written to the selected file. The operation was aborted.
An internal error occurred during an attempt to recall a file from IBM's HSM (Hierarchical Storage Manager). See the product documentation DFSMShsm Managing Your Own Data (SC35-0420) for details.
RC | Description |
100 | DFSMShsm not available |
400 | Invalid request |
402 | Dataset not found |
403 | Invalid dataset name |
806 | Service module not found |
DSS encountered an error while writing to the PDS directory for the file named in the associated message MFMDS031. The first eight characters of the member name are displayed. Here are some possible return code (RC) and reason values:
RC | Reason | Description |
4 | 0 | Member name specified already exists |
8 | 0 | Member name specified could not be found |
12 | 0 | No space remains in the directory |
16 | 01 | Permanent physical error |
02 | Unable to add EOF marker to directory | |
04 | Unable to flush system buffers | |
3383 | SD37 failure: no secondary space available | |
3639 | SE37 failure: no secondary space available |
For a full list of return codes and reasons, see the IBM manual Macro Instructions f
This information message may accompany other system messages to indicate which data set is affected. The data set name appears as a string of up to 44 characters.
DSS encountered an error while locating a member in the PDS directory for the file named in the associated message MFMDS031. The first eight characters of the member name are displayed. Here are some possible return code (RC) and reason values:
RC | Reason | Description |
4 | 0 | Member name specified could not be found |
4 | Insufficient RACF authority for this request | |
8 | Share options not granted on this PDSE | |
12 | This PDSE already open for output on another member | |
8 | 0 | Permanent physical error |
4 | Insufficient virtual storage available | |
8 | Invalid DEB (data extent block) or data set owned by another task | |
12 | Physical error on buffer flush | |
16 | Invalid DCB |
DSS encountered an error while building directory information from the PDS directory for the file named in the associated message MFMDS031. The first eight characters of the member name are displayed. Here are some possible return code (RC) and reason values:
RC | Reason | Description |
4 | 8 | Member name specified could not be found |
8 | 0 | Permanent physical error |
4 | Insufficient virtual storage available | |
8 | 8 Invalid DEB (data extent block) or data set owned by another task |
For a full list of return codes and reasons, see the IBM manual Macro Instructions for Data Sets.
DSS encountered an error while trying to identify the PDS member for the file named in the associated message MFMDS031. Here are some possible return code (RC) and reason values:
RC | Reason | Description |
8 | 1012 | No members found in directory |
12 | 1041 | Invalid parameter list |
1054 | Invalid DEB (data extent block) | |
1057 | PDS is not open | |
1058 | Invalid DCB |
For a full list of return codes and reasons, see the topic DESERV (Directory Entry Services) in the IBM manual Macro Instructions for Data Sets.
DSS has detected a QSAM failure and has directed QSAM to ignore the failure. The failure occurred while DSS was processing the file named in the associated message MFMDS031. Sxxx is the abend or system completion code and yy is the reason code. These codes are presented in hexadecimal format. Possible failures include:
Abend | Reason | Description |
C37 | 4 | Invalid extents found on end-of-volume |
D37 | 4 | No secondary space specified on this file, and the primary space has been entirely used. Reallocate the file to allow secondary extents or a larger primary extent. |
E37 | 4 | No secondary space was available on this volume, or the number of extents has already reached 16 for this file. Reallocate the file to use larger secondary extents or move the file to a different volume where space is available. |
For a full list of abend codes and reasons, see the IBM manual MVS System Codes.
Verb | Description |
GET | Read a record |
PUT | Write a record |
CHECK | Verify completion of an event |
POINT | Position to a specific location |
ENDREQ | Cancel an operation |
ERASE | Erase a record |
Common return code (RC) values and feedback code (FB) values include:
RC | FB | Description |
8 | 8 | Attempt to store a duplicate key |
12 | Conflicting options specified violate stored sequence | |
16 | Record not found | |
20 | Physical locking conflict | |
24 | Volume not available | |
28 | Insufficient space on volume to extend the | |
32 | Invalid relative byte address specified | |
36 | Key range specified in definition excludes this key | |
40 | Insufficient virtual storage in the Mainframe Access address space | |
48 | Conflicting options on VSAM request | |
64 | No virtual storage to handle this level of concurrency | |
68 | File not open for type of processing requested | |
72 | Keyed request made to an ESDS | |
88 | Invalid switch to sequential processing without positioning | |
92 | Invalid replace or erase without key | |
96 | Attempt to modify a key on update | |
104 | Conflicting RPL options | |
108 | Invalid record length specified | |
112 | Invalid key length specified | |
4 | Read error on data component of file | |
8 | Read error on index component of file | |
16 | Write error on data component of file | |
20 | Write error on index component of file |
For a full list of return codes and reason codes see the IBM publication DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets.
DSS has detected an error while attempting to open a VSAM data set. This message is accompanied by the z/OS system message IEC161I to describe the problem further. Common return code (RC) values and feedback code (FB) values include:
RC | FB | Description |
4 | 116 | Warning: file was not closed properly after previous use and has not been recovered using an internal VSAM verify |
118 | Warning: file was not closed properly after previous use but has been recovered using an internal VSAM verify | |
8 | 128 | No DD statement was found for this file |
136 | Not enough virtual storage to complete the open processing | |
144 | I/O error while reading the catalog | |
152 | RACF denied open access | |
160 | Inconsistent open options specified | |
168 | File already open by another user |
For a full list of return codes and reason codes see the IBM publication DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. VSAM system messages are documented in the IBM manual z/OS System Messages Volume 4.
An attempt has been made to use DSS; however, it is not currently available. This may be due to a failure during initialization or configuration, or it may have been terminated during system shutdown while a transaction is still running.
Review the z/OS system log and the Mainframe Access job log and SYSOUT data sets for messages related to the failure. If you need further assistance contact our Product Support.
MFA has initialized full access to CA/Panvalet services.
MFA has initialized full access to CA/Endevor API services using the release and version specified, and noting whether the External Security (ESI) or Alternate User ID (UID) features are active.
MFA has created a memory table to describe the selected exits to be specified during batch updates against the corresponding Librarian master file.
Indicates whether the MCGLIB DD card was specified as the LOAD library for remote calls as used by the Mainframe Call Generator (MCG) interface.
Access to site overrides specified for DD=CMNLIB$ and DD=CMNOPTS (to define default build procedures and site options repectively) failed during MFA startup.
The user exit MFAPVXIT was found and loaded to provide member-level security for Import, Export, and Directory access calls agains Panvalet master files.
This site configuration file is used to validate library types and language names for establishing Librarian run-time parameters. Without this information, new objects will default to TYPE=COB.