For CICS or IMS screen service interfaces, operations can specify any of the following:
The screen that the operation is intended to process. It contains the fields you use in the operation. This screen appears in the CICS or IMS screen pane of the Interface Mapper when you are defining the operation. The operation that is intended to be performed first has no active screen. Typically, the operation that is performed first starts an application using a transaction ID.
The screen that is presented immediately before the active screen is presented during execution of the service. Most of the time, you should set this to ANY SCREEN (see below). Specifying a particular previous screen is only important when you want to interact with a screen differently depending on which screen preceded it. In this case, you would create multiple operations with the same active screen and differentiate them by specifying a particular previous screen for one or more of the operations.
After any interaction with the active screen, this starts a new transaction using the ID specified. Most operations do not have a transaction ID. When you do not specify a transaction ID, the operation returns to the application with any data for the active screen.
It is common practice for COBOL IMS applications to specify a transaction ID in the MFS MID definition. In this case, to ensure that offsets are calculated properly, select the USE TRANSACTION ID FROM SCREEN DEFINITION option when specifying the transaction ID for your operation.
Active and previous screens can be a screen derived from a map included in your project, or one of the following special screens:
You can also opt to automatically create default mappings between interface fields and all of the fields on the active screen.
In general, you want to create an initial operation to start your application. This operation consists of only a name and the transaction ID that starts the application. We recommend you use an operation name that clearly identifies this operation, such as Start.