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Code Page (CCSID) Tables

Code page files (TAB files) provided with this version of XDB Link include the following:

Decimal Rep TAB files (Hex EBCDIC <==> ASCII)
290 - 1041 01220411.TAB / 04110122.TAB
300 - 301 012C012D.TAB / 012D012C.TAB
930 - 942 03A203AE.TAB / 03AE03A2.TAB
933 - 949 03A503B5.TAB / 03B503A5.TAB
437 - 37 01B50025.TAB / 002501B5.TAB
850 - 37 03520025.TAB / 00250352.TAB
273-37 01110025.TAB / 0025011.TAB
273 - 437 011101B5.TAB / 01B5011.TAB
273 - 500 011101F4.TAB / 01F40111.TAB
273 - 850 01110352.TAB / -352-111.TAB
500 - 437 01F401B5.TAB / 01B50352.TAB
500 - 37 01F40025.TAB / 002501F4.TAB
850 - 437 035201B5.TAB / 01B50352.TAB
850 - 500 035201F4.TAB / 01F40352.TAB

For every code page pair there are 2 TAB files having the format SSSSTTTT.TAB


SSSS is the source code page value in hex.
TTTT is the target code page in hex.

Check to see whether the code pages you require are included in the XDB program directory. If you do not find the code pages you need, run the xcpgtab.exe program in the XDB Link program directory. This program will extract additional codes pages for the installed version of XDB Link.

If after running xcpgtab.exe you do not find the code pages you need, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.

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