Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 2.3 for Eclipse
General Reference
Error Messages
Workflow Manager Messages
Error messages
CEA support UI (ECEAU) messages
CEA support UI (ECEAU) messages
ECEAU0001 Failed to close the screen.
ECEAU0002 Can not open the EditorPart.
ECEAU0007 Sending of the TSO message \ {0} \ failed.
ECEAU0008 Failed to properly log off from {0} :{1} . You are now disconnected.
ECEAU0009 Failed to determine an ISystemImage.
ECEAU0011 Sending a key response failed.
ECEAU0012 Sending a key response failed.
ECEAU0013 Sending a menu item response failed.
ECEAU0014 Sending a point and shoot response failed.
ECEAU0015 Failed to open the \TSO command shell\.
ECEAU0016 The connecting was interreupted.
Parent topic:
Error messages