Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 2.3 for Eclipse
General Reference
Error Messages
Workflow Manager Messages
Error messages
TAURUS user interface views (TSUIV) messages
TAURUS user interface views (TSUIV) messages
TSUIV0002 Failed to expand the system reference {0} .
TSUIV0003 Exception during back up of application {0} .
TSUIV0004 Failed to create a system reference.
TSUIV0005 Exception when trying to refresh the system.
TSUIV0006 Failed to associate a remote system.
TSUIV0008 An error occurred while storing the containers.
TSUIV0009 Failed to expand the system {0} .
TSUIV0010 Following z/Server processes are still running: {0}{1}{0} Please close these processes first.
TSUIV0011 Exception occurred when trying to load the application.
TSUIV0012 Failed to expand the Tree View to its previous state.
TSUIV0013 Failed to update the application {0} .
Parent topic:
Error messages