Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 2.3 for Eclipse
General Reference
Error Messages
Code Generation Error Messages
COBOP001 Internal error. Contact Technical Support. (Recoverable)
COBOP002 Attempted to redefine symbol name (Recoverable)
The external data item or entry name
clashes with another external symbol of the same name.
COBOP003 Ran out of memory during optimization. Generate program using NOOPT. (Recoverable)
The OPT Compiler directive was specified and the Compiler ran out of memory during the code generation phase.
COBOP006 Read failure on input file, not intermediate code or wrong version (Recoverable)
One of the following has occurred:
COBOP012 Dictionary or dynamic paging error (Fatal)
The disk is probably full.
COBOP013 Illegal intermediate code (at nnnnnn in seg mm) (Recoverable)
You are trying to create generated code from intermediate code that has been corrupted.
COBOP014 Too many IF levels (Recoverable)
You have nested IF statements beyond the maximum of 254 levels.
COBOP019 Program checked with non-optimal alignment. Optimal alignment is opt-align (Cautionary)
COBOP028 Segmented program - GNTANIM ignored (Cautionary)
You have tried to debug a .gnt file that was generated from a program containing segments.
COBOP035 INT code not produced with ANIM (Cautionary)
You must use the ANIM directive when creating intermediate code.
COBOP039 Errors detected during creation of intermediate code (Recoverable)
You are trying to generate code from intermediate code that was found to contain severe errors when it was submitted to your COBOL system.
COBOP040 Bad program-id or entry name (Recoverable)
The name you have given in the PROGRAM-ID clause or the ENTRY...USING phrase, or as the root of the input file-name, cannot be handled correctly by your system assembler.
COBOP054 Parameter type cannot be passed by value (Recoverable)
Only those COMP-5 items that are 4 bytes or smaller can be passed by value.
COBOP055 Opcodes file corrupt or unknown machine type (Recoverable)
file has become corrupted.
COBOP056 Option not implemented: "option name" (Recoverable)
This language option is not supported on your environment.
COBOP066 Write failure on .IDY file (Recoverable)
Either the disk is full or the .idy file produced by the checker has been marked read-only.
COBOP068 IDY file not found - SOURCEASM ignored (Cautionary)
COBOP069 Source file not found - SOURCEASM ignored (Cautionary)
COBOP075 Call-convention not supported (Recoverable)
COBOP076 Inefficient code produced for this statement (Cautionary)
COBOP077 Generated code module too large (limit = limit bytes) (Recoverable)
COBOP078 Too many code relocations (limit = limit, actual = limit (Recoverable)
COBOP079 Too many data relocations (limit = limit, actual = limit (Recoverable)
COBOP080 Too many symbol table entries (limit = limit, actual = limit (Recoverable)
Parent topic:
Code Generation Error Messages