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Tutorial: Set Preferences and View Properties

Set the output preferences for your AMB project, and view the properties for the BLDRAPPL application and the BLDRUPD program.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.


Before attempting this tutorial, you must complete:

If you have closed Enterprise Developer, start it; then open the AppMaster Builder perspective.

Set output preferences
  1. If it isn't already active, in Eclipse, switch to the AppMaster Builder perspective.
  2. Click AppMaster Builder Preferences page .
  3. From the list of preferences pages, select Output.
  4. Under Save options, check Save COBOL.

    Save COBOL instructs AMB to save COBOL output in your project. In this case, because we have a CICS application defined, Save COBOL saves COBOL output to the COBCICS subdirectory.

  5. Check Generate non-OS/VS COBOL (default), and List generated code.
    Generate non-OS/VS code Generates COBOL instead of OS/VS COBOL
    List generated code Produces a code listing in report format when you generate a program or application.
  6. Click OK.
View application properties
The BLDRAPPL demonstration application is a CICS/VSAM application. Its application properties have been set for you. To view them:
  1. From the AppMaster Builder Project Explorer, expand the C:\amb_tutorial\BLDRAPPL\dev1 project.
  2. Right-click the BLDRAPPL application; then select Properties from the context menu.
  3. Take note of the User Interface, MOD Size, and Databases settings.
  4. Click Cancel.
View program properties
When you add a program to an AMB project, it is created with a default set of properties. The BLDRUPD program that you added previously does not require that you change any of the default settings; however, you should view them to become familiar with these settings.
  1. From the AppMaster Builder Project Explorer, expand the C:\amb_tutorial\BLDRAPPL\dev1 project and the BLDRAPPL application.
  2. Right-click the BLDRUPD program; then select Properties from the context menu.
  3. In particular, take note that the Program type is set to Online Express.
  4. Click Cancel.

This completes the tutorial. Next, please complete Tutorial: Learn Screen Painter Techniques.

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