Enhancements are available in the following areas:
Micro Focus has released a new video-based training course in COBOL, Micro Focus™ COBOL Fundamentals Course. The course teaches the fundamentals of the COBOL language, introduces the Micro Focus™ COBOL syntax, and usage of Micro Focus COBOL tools.
The course is ideal for developers familiar with C, Java, or .NET who want to learn COBOL. It doesn't matter what language you know, as long as you have experience of standard programming concepts, this course is for you.
A new Learn Micro Focus™ COBOL Extension for Visual Studio Code is available. The extension comes with the training materials for the COBOL training course. For information about the COBOL course, and the Learn Micro Focus™ COBOL Extension for Visual Studio Code, visit www.cobol.com.
The following features are now available in the Micro Focus Enterprise Extension for Visual Studio Code when you use it with Enterprise Developer 9.0:
The following features are now available in the Micro Focus COBOL Extension for Visual Studio Code when you use it with Enterprise Developer 9.0:
This release provides the following enhancements to .NET support:
This release provides the following new features and enhancements to the COBOL language:
The following enhancements add further support for the IBM Enterprise COBOL version 6.4:
This release provides the following enhancements.
A new mechanism for setting Compiler directives (Technology Preview):
New Compiler directives:
A family of new Compiler directives has been introduced to support the new mechanism for interoperation between Java and native COBOL:
The product Help now includes advice on moving your COBOL data files, such as flat files, VSAM, indexed or sequential files, etc. to a relational database (RDBMS). The documentation lists the solutions included in Enterprise Developer that enable you to achieve this, including advice on the best option for your application as well as performance considerations.
This release provides the following new feature:
This release provides the following enhancements:
Enhancements are available in the following areas:
This release provides the following new features and enhancements:
This release includes support for the following:
Automatically include the child objects of each parent object.
Repeat until no more parents and children are found.
This release includes support for the following:
This release includes the following new features for IMS:
This release provides the following enhancements:
This release writes several additional messages to the job log as a JCL job runs, including the location from which each program is loaded. For example:
JCLCM0303I Program IDCAMS (MFJAMS) loaded from library SYS1.LOADLIB
When running one of your own programs, you might see messages such as:
JCLCM0305I Failed to find program JCLREAD in private libraries and SYS1.LNKLIB. JCLCM0306I Number of SYS1.LNKLIB entries: 0. JCLCM0303I Program JCLREAD loaded from library SYS2.LOADLIB.
Combined, these three messages indicate that the program was not found in the main program search path (SYS1.LNKLIB) but has been loaded from the JES Program Path (SYS2.LOADLIB).
For more information about increased JCL security checks including a configuration example, see JCL Enhanced Security Checks. For information about suppressing security check messages in the job log, see ES_JES_HIGHER_SECURITY_LEVEL.
This release includes the following new features for:
The Micro Focus Unit Test Seam pre-processor (mfupp) has been enhanced to aid the creation of self-contained unit tests that contain EXEC CICS or EXEC SQL statements. These EXEC statements can be removed or mocked depending on the requirement of the test case.
The Micro Focus Unit Test Runner has also been enhanced to aid the development of these styles of unit tests by the addition of new code generation arguments available from the command-line interface.
In this release, OpenESQL applications now support z/OS DB2 syntax for the community version of PostgreSQL provided by the Global Development Group (GDG).
This release includes enhancements in the following areas:
Open PL/I Compiler:
The following enhancements make the migration of existing applications to new platforms easier. They also provide an improved functionality when using Open PL/I to develop z/OS applications.
Open PL/I Debugger:
Open PL/I EXEC Preprocessor:
Open PL/I Macro Preprocessor:
Open PL/I Language
Open PL/I Run-Time System:
The following enhancements are available:
Product Help:
This release provides the following new features.
This release provides the following enhancements and new features:
This release provides the following new features: