Features Added in Enterprise Developer 9.0

Learn Micro Focus™ COBOL Extension for Visual Studio Code and Micro Focus™ COBOL Fundamentals Course

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Micro Focus has released a new video-based training course in COBOL, Micro Focus™ COBOL Fundamentals Course. The course teaches the fundamentals of the COBOL language, introduces the Micro Focus™ COBOL syntax, and usage of Micro Focus COBOL tools.

The course is ideal for developers familiar with C, Java, or .NET who want to learn COBOL. It doesn't matter what language you know, as long as you have experience of standard programming concepts, this course is for you.

A new Learn Micro Focus™ COBOL Extension for Visual Studio Code is available. The extension comes with the training materials for the COBOL training course. For information about the COBOL course, and the Learn Micro Focus™ COBOL Extension for Visual Studio Code, visit www.cobol.com.

Note: This extension is not included with the Enterprise Developer installer.

Micro Focus Enterprise Extension for Visual Studio Code

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The following features are now available in the Micro Focus Enterprise Extension for Visual Studio Code when you use it with Enterprise Developer 9.0:

  • A PL/I Language Server is available. This enables the following advanced features in the PL/I editor - Find All References, Peek, Outline view, collapsible regions, Rename, Navigate To, background error reporting, variable highlights.
  • A new button, , Debug PL/I Program or Run PL/I Program in the top right corner of the editor, is present for the current PL/I program.
  • You can now specify the PL/I main file context for include files if an include copybooks is referenced in more than one program.
  • This extension is not included with the Enterprise Developer installer.
  • This extensions also installs the Micro Focus COBOL Extension for Visual Studio Code.

Micro Focus COBOL Extension for Visual Studio Code

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The following features are now available in the Micro Focus COBOL Extension for Visual Studio Code when you use it with Enterprise Developer 9.0:

  • JVM COBOL debugging
  • COBOL notebooks where you can have text and executable blocks of COBOL code in the same file.
  • Colorization for COBOL directives files, cobol.dir.
  • A new button, , Debug COBOL Program or Run COBOL Program in the top right corner of the editor, present for the current COBOL program.
  • Configuration setting for custom tab stops.
  • A Micro Focus COBOL terminal in the TERMINAL pane.
  • You can now specify the COBOL main file context for copybooks if a copybooks is referenced in more than one program.
Note: This extension is not included with the Enterprise Developer installer.

.NET Support

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This release provides the following enhancements to .NET support:

  • This release installs several NuGet packages each of which contains the assemblies for a specific Enterprise Developer functionality. New .NET projects, as well as existing projects you edit or build in 9.0 are linked to a core package, MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime.Core, that includes the basic functionality for the projects. You need to add any additional packages (such as a specific file handler, COBOL Accept/Display etc.) manually to the projects. The new packages enable better granularity of distributions, and provide more flexibility and control over what is packaged with the application.
  • New SDK version - the Micro Focus SDK version has changed to version 2.1. See Upgrading existing .NET COBOL project files for details on how to upgrade your existing projects.

COBOL Language

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This release provides the following new features and enhancements to the COBOL language:

  • Double-colon, ::, qualification is now available as a qualifier for data names and when dereferencing pointers.
  • PERFORM frame local variables - variables that are DECLAREd are now properly scoped. Reentering the SECTION, whether recursively or after leaving, gives a new instance of such variables. This provides better locality of data, and helps with writing of better structured code.
  • Parameterized sections - syntax that allows program sections to accept arguments and return values.
    • PERFORM of a SECTION can now pass arguments to that SECTION.
    • A result can be returned to the code that PERFORMed the SECTION.
    • Sections that return a value can be used as functions, in contexts where an identifier is expected.
  • Compiler can identify platform at compile time - the compile-time constants __unix, __windows, __dotnet, __jvm, and __native have been introduced. These can be tested in $if statements to tailor code to the platform being used.
  • Enhanced CBL_STRING_CONVERT library routine - CBL_STRING_CONVERT can now convert strings to and from Base64.

The following enhancements add further support for the IBM Enterprise COBOL version 6.4:

  • User-defined functions - user-defined functions are now available in an Enterprise COBOL dialect for version 6.4 compatibility. Reference the product Help, General Reference > COBOL Language Reference > Part 3. Additional Topics > Additional Dialect Support > Enterprise COBOL Syntax Support > User-Defined Functions under ENTCOBOL dialect. A new Compiler directive, MANAGED-FNC-PARAM-BY, enables you to specify whether the managed behavior of numeric function parameters should default to BY VALUE or BY REFERENCE.
  • Enhanced mechanism for interoperation between Java and COBOL - The COBOL and Java interoperability has been enhanced to extend the capabilities of your COBOL applications with Java. It removes the need to write object-oriented (OO) COBOL, as your native COBOL and Java programs can now interoperate in the following scenarios:
    • COBOL programs can be marked as JAVA-CALLABLE, meaning that they can be called from Java as though they were Java static methods.
    • COBOL program can call Java static methods using the java.class.method call.
    • COBOL data can be shared with Java programs by marking it as JAVA-SHAREABLE.
  • Comprehensive support for automatic conversion between a wide variety of popular Java data types and their corresponding COBOL types so that parameter passing and returned value handling require no special processing in user code.

Compiler Directives

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This release provides the following enhancements.

A new mechanism for setting Compiler directives (Technology Preview):

  • Common directives files - this release introduces common directives files, directives.mf files, that enable you to automatically provide all required directives needed to compile multiple and Mainframe Subsystem applications without having to specify the directives individually. This feature is not available for Assembler or IMS.
    Note: This is a technology preview feature only. It is being made available to allow you to test and provide feedback on this new capability; however, this feature is not intended for production use and it is not supported as such. Furthermore, Micro Focus does not guarantee that this feature will be delivered at a GA level and if it is, then the functionality provided might differ considerably from this technology preview.

New Compiler directives:

  • ALPHA-LIT-CONT - determines whether the right margin or the end-of-line is used to delimit the continuation of a non-numeric literal.
  • DECLARE - defines the behavior of locally declared variables.
  • ILEXPOSEALPHA/ILEXPOSEGROUP - these two directives can expose alphanumeric or group items passed by value to parameterized sections or methods in .NET COBOL programs as byte arrays (the default is to expose as string objects).
  • ILSTRINGLOAD - where .NET COBOL programs with a very large number of distinct alphanumeric literals cause internal limits to be exceeded, use this directive to create these literals in a backing file, which can then be converted to strings at run time.
  • MANAGED-FNC-PARAM-BY - determines whether user-defined function parameters are passed BY VALUE or BY REFERENCE by default when compiled with ILGEN.
  • INITIAL - determines how Working-Storage is initialized for programs marked as IS INITIAL.

A family of new Compiler directives has been introduced to support the new mechanism for interoperation between Java and native COBOL:

  • JAVA-SHAREABLE - use the JAVA-SHAREABLE ON and JAVA-SHAREABLE OFF directives to bracket one or more WORKING-STORAGE data items to indicate that they are to be made read and write accessible from Java applications interoperating with this COBOL program.
  • JAVA-CALLABLE - instructs the Compiler to make the COBOL program automatically callable from Java.
  • JAVA-GEN-PROGS, JAVA-GEN-STRG, JAVA-OUTPUT-PATH, and JAVA-PACKAGE-NAME - control the behavior of COBOL programs that interoperate with Java through the JAVA-CALLABLE or JAVA-SHAREABLE directives or by calling Java static methods using the CALL statement.

Data Modernization Advice

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The product Help now includes advice on moving your COBOL data files, such as flat files, VSAM, indexed or sequential files, etc. to a relational database (RDBMS). The documentation lists the solutions included in Enterprise Developer that enable you to achieve this, including advice on the best option for your application as well as performance considerations.


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This release provides the following new feature:

  • In Visual Studio, you can now debug .NET COBOL projects in WSL.

Enterprise Server

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This release provides the following enhancements:

  • A new casverify command-line utility is available. This utility enables you to verify the configuration of a specified enterprise server region without attempting to start it, and also enables you to create immediate diagnostics information in JSON or human-readable output. Verification stages are modular, enabling you to specify which validation checks to run.
  • You can now list job steps to enable users to perform advanced restarts. Job steps can be output to JSON by specifying casout /%jnumber or output to a table by specifying casout /%tnumber. See casout for more information.
  • Enterprise Developer CICS now supports the MAPPINGDEV option of SEND MAP and RECEIVE MAP commands.
  • Application diagnostic reporting now enables you to collect JCL process failures. See Application Diagnostic Reporting for Enterprise Server for more information.

Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA)

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Enhancements are available in the following areas:

  • Accessibility improvements - provide improved compliance with 508 and WCAG 2.1 standards.
  • API, version 2 extensions - includes updated versions of some of the existing API version 1 endpoints, and has been extended to contain more endpoints.
  • Merged Archived Spool - you can now configure an enterprise server region to view a merged archived spool in the UI. You can view multiple archived spools from a single region, and view old spool information for multiple jobs that have ran under a previous name
  • Page search facility - you can now search for a page that contains a specified search string. This enhancement is part of the WCAG 2.1 requirements for accessibility.
  • PAC clients - the ESCWA UI lists all TN3270 clients connected to a PAC. This enables you to administer and monitor clients across the entire PAC from a single PAC region.
  • TLS-enabled Redis connections. ESCWA now supports administering and monitoring PACs with a TLS Redis SOR.

Enterprise Server Security

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This release provides the following new features and enhancements:

  • Demo CA - the component has been completely redesigned and is now included as part of Enterprise Developer. Demo CA supports multiple installations, uses up-to-date cryptographic support, and generates modern version 3 certificates with SANS, PKIDs, AKIDs, etc. signed by an intermediate CA. Demo CA is now easier to use and has improved interoperability with third-party SSL/TLS systems.
    Note: Micro Focus strongly recommends that Demo CA is only used for SSL/TLS development and testing and is not intended for use in a production environment.
  • esfupdate support for the Vault Facility - the esfupdate utility now supports the use of the Vault Facility for credentials it needs to connect to MFDS.
  • OpenSSL 3.0 - OpenSSL has been updated to use the current Long Term Supported OpenSSL cryptographic library.
  • VSAM External Security Manager (EAP) - the VSAM ESM Module is a new option for Enterprise Server security which is simpler and more convenient than using LDAP-based security. The VSAM ESM Module provides a security manager for Enterprise Server which keeps security data in COBOL data (VSAM) files. It provides many of the features of the MLDAP ESM Module but does not require an LDAP server or other third-party solution. Security data can be imported from a YAML file, facilitating the securing of Enterprise Server and the modification of its security data.
    Attention: This feature is in Early Adopter Program (EAP) release status. We intend to provide the finalized feature in a future release. Please contact OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products if you require further clarification.

HCO for SQL Server

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This release includes support for the following:

  • The Define Lists tool in the HCOSS UI has been enhanced to enable you to select a dependency mode to use when creating a transfer list. The available modes are:
    Automatically include all parent objects of the selected object.
    Family tree
    Automatically include all parent objects of the selected table.

    Automatically include the child objects of each parent object.

    Repeat until no more parents and children are found.

    No dependency handling
    Include the selected table only (do not include any parent or child objects).
  • The Transfer Data Tool now includes the start and end date and time for each table transfer.

HCO for PostgreSQL

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This release includes support for the following:

  • PostgreSQL Global Development Group (GDG) community edition and Amazon AWS via new options for the TARGETDB directive.
  • Migration of z/OS DB2 COBOL programs to PostgreSQL GDG community edition.
Attention: Support for PostgreSQL Global Development Group (GDG) community edition is in Early Adopter Program (EAP) release status. We intend to provide the finalized feature in a future release. Please contact OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products if you require further clarification.

IMS Support

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This release includes the following new features for IMS:

  • A new environment variable, ES_IMS_DISPLAY_NEW, has been added to enable the new z/OS /DISPLAY timestamp output format.
  • APARM handling has been updated to use EBCDIC APARMs obtained from EBCDIC applications. In addition, the APARM positional parameter for DLI has been changed from 19 to 20 to be consistent with the IBM IMS documentation. The APARM positional parameter for BMP applications remains at 19.
  • The ES_IMS_APARM_DLI environment variable has been added to enable the APARM handing behavior of previous releases. See ES_IMS_APARM_DLI for details.

Interface Mapping Toolkit

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This release provides the following enhancements:

  • YAML support is now available for COBOL client generation. OpenAPI schemas can now be in YAML, in addition to JSON format.
  • The Interface Mapper user interface for COBOL program-based service interfaces has been updated. The Interface Fields pane available in earlier versions is now represented by two panes — Interface Fields - Input and Interface Fields - Output. The COBOL Entry Points pane is situated between these two new panes. The relationships between COBOL entry points and corresponding interface, COBOL assignment, and reusable fields are depicted visually using arrows. The panes can be repositioned for easier viewing of arrow relationships.

JCL Support

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  • In this release the security around running programs from JCL jobs has been enhanced to enable you to limit:
    • The location of the programs to load
    • Permission to run particular programs based on user ID

    This release writes several additional messages to the job log as a JCL job runs, including the location from which each program is loaded. For example:

    JCLCM0303I Program IDCAMS (MFJAMS) loaded from library

    When running one of your own programs, you might see messages such as:

    JCLCM0305I Failed to find program JCLREAD in private libraries
    and SYS1.LNKLIB.
    JCLCM0306I Number of SYS1.LNKLIB entries: 0.
    JCLCM0303I Program JCLREAD loaded from library SYS2.LOADLIB.

    Combined, these three messages indicate that the program was not found in the main program search path (SYS1.LNKLIB) but has been loaded from the JES Program Path (SYS2.LOADLIB).

    For more information about increased JCL security checks including a configuration example, see JCL Enhanced Security Checks. For information about suppressing security check messages in the job log, see ES_JES_HIGHER_SECURITY_LEVEL.

  • The MF_SPLJNO_LOCK environment variable has been added. Using this variable, you can change the process by which the JES engine accesses the job number of a JCL submission to enable enqueuing, which can increase throughput, reduce latency, and reduce disk/file access. For details, see MF_SPLJNO_LOCK.

Mainframe Access

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This release includes the following new features for:

  • Mfdaemon vault usage - the Mfdaemon persistent stored secrets are now stored in the vault.
  • TAUZCAPP master configuration file location from JCL - MFA Server now enables you to specify the location for the master configuration file, required by TAUZCAPP, to be performed via JCL instead of having to edit a REXX script.

Micro Focus Unit Testing Framework

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The Micro Focus Unit Test Seam pre-processor (mfupp) has been enhanced to aid the creation of self-contained unit tests that contain EXEC CICS or EXEC SQL statements. These EXEC statements can be removed or mocked depending on the requirement of the test case.

The Micro Focus Unit Test Runner has also been enhanced to aid the development of these styles of unit tests by the addition of new code generation arguments available from the command-line interface.


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In this release, OpenESQL applications now support z/OS DB2 syntax for the community version of PostgreSQL provided by the Global Development Group (GDG).


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This release includes enhancements in the following areas:

Open PL/I Compiler:

The following enhancements make the migration of existing applications to new platforms easier. They also provide an improved functionality when using Open PL/I to develop z/OS applications.

  • The QUICKSORT and QUICKSORTX built-in functions are now supported.
  • Restricted expression evaluation now also takes place on AUTOMATIC, DEFINED, and BASED declarations in addition to STATIC which was added previously.
  • Support is available for the XMLCONTENT attribute.
  • The use of the RELEASE statement now implies OPTIONS(FETCHABLE).
  • Improvements have been made to the support for factored lists used in the INIT attribute of a variable declaration.
  • DEFAULT RANGE(*) with no attributes no longer causes the compiler to abort.
  • Support is available for the FIXEDOVERFLOW condition.
  • Support is available for the FOFLONASGN, FOFLONDIV, FOFLONMULT, FORCEODD Fixed Decimal behaviors.
  • Support is available for validation of FIXED DECIMAL data.
  • Support has been added for more than 2GB of static data in a single procedure.
  • Support has been added for placing uninitialized static data in the .BSS section.
  • Improved diagnostics when passing an array to a procedure which expects an array with differing attributes.
  • Improved diagnostics when passing CONTROLLED variables as parameters and attributes are in conflict.
  • PL/I FETCH xxxx SET() syntax supports setting a PL/I ENTRY LIMITED.
  • Support has been added for the -dc, -dc_append, and -dcfout compiler options for data collections, which enhance IDE and Debugger functionality. See -dc, -dc_append, and -dcfout for details.
  • A new utility, mfplicnv, has been added to convert embedded hex values to hex literal constants. See mfplicnv Syntax for details.

Open PL/I Debugger:

  • Performance improvements on the display of arrays and complex structures.
  • Support for arrays declared with negative array bounds.
  • Improved debugger performance when watchpoints are set but not active.
  • Improved breakpoint clean-up and handling in-between debugger sessions under Enterprise Server.
  • Added a message to PLIDUMP to print {cond static external} for CONDITION declarations in the locals section rather than printing a generic "variable not found" message.
  • Added support for decorated symbol/variable names in PLIDUMP on Windows.
  • New watch points are now honored after a CONVERSION condition was raised.
  • Remote debugging is supported on Solaris (SPARC).

Open PL/I EXEC Preprocessor:

  • It is now possible to specify DB2 LUW OPT guidelines within static SQL.
  • The stability of CICS API calls on 64 Bit Solaris (SPARC) has been improved.

Open PL/I Macro Preprocessor:

  • The COMMENT built-in function now supports comments larger than 100 bytes in length.
  • The -tagmin preprocessor option supports skipping of %SDEBUG; and %RDEBUG; statements when the replacement text fits on the same line as the macro invocation without wrapping.
  • The conditional statements processing has been improved.

Open PL/I Language

Note: These features are in Early Adopter Program (EAP) release status. We intend to provide the finalized features in a future release. Please contact Micro Focus OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products if you require further clarification.
  • Open PL/I now supports ordinals via the DEFINE ORDINAL statement, the ORDINAL attribute for the DECLARE statement, and the ORDINALNAME, ORDINALPRED, and ORDINALSUCC built-in functions.
  • The DO statement now supports UPTHRU and DOWNTHRU.

Open PL/I Run-Time System:

The following enhancements are available:

  • Support for more than 2GB of static data in a single procedure.
  • Support for placing uninitialized static data in the .BSS section.
  • JSONPUTMEMBER now supports quotation marks within its input.
  • Support for the XMLCONTENT attribute.
  • The PL/I Run-Time System optionally provides the ability for ERROR to be driven in place of STRINGRANGE and SUBSCRIPTRANGE.
  • PLIDUMP display of the offset within prologue code a signal is received within the prologue of a PL/I procedure.
  • Support for FIXEDOVERFLOW condition.
  • Support for FOFLONASGN, FOFLONDIV, FOFLONMULT, FORCEODD Fixed Decimal Behaviors.
  • Support for validation of FIXED DECIMAL data.
  • The speed for FIXED DECIMAL operations has been improved.
  • The stability of CICS API calls on 64 Bit Solaris (SPARC) has been improved.

Product Help:

  • The product Help includes a new section on Open PL/I Conditions.
  • A new section, Open PL/I Problem Determination is available. Reference this section to learn how to mitigate execution, link, and debugger problems, how to use PLIDUMP to resolve issues, and also to learn about specific PL/I-related information pertaining to the use of the Consolidated Tracing Facility. This new documentation also includes a list of data items you need to collect before raising a PL/I problem with Micro Focus OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products.

Terminal Emulation

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This release provides the following new features.

  • Enterprise Developer and Enterprise Server now incorporate Host Access for the Cloud (HACloud) to provide 3270 emulation. HACloud is the leading Web-based emulator and requires no additional desktop installation. HACloud replaces the Rumba+ Desktop emulator previously supplied with Enterprise Developer. Customers that have Rumba+ Desktop entitlement can continue to use it within Rumba+ Desktop.
  • In this release, Host Access for the Cloud supports session configuration options, as well as creating and using macros.
  • IDE support for Micro Focus Reflection Desktop - you can now select Reflection Desktop as the default TN3270 display to open from the IDE when you run or debug your TN3270 applications. You can now play Reflection or Rumba+ Desktop macros with Reflection Desktop.


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This release provides the following enhancements and new features:

  • Improvements have been made to the to the Common Communications Interface (CCI) tracing. CCI tracing can now be enabled using only the Consolidated Trace Facility (CTF) configuration, without needing to set trace options in CCI.INI or the environment as well. SSL/TLS trace points have been added to the CCI CTF trace, making it easier to control. It uses the same mechanism as other components such as the COBOL RTS. SSL/TLS tracing is now incorporated into CTF, placing all communications trace output in one place and adding timestamps and other useful information to these tracepoints. See Enabling CCI Tracing for more information.

Visual Studio

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This release provides the following new features:

  • Converting JSON data to COBOL classes - you can now copy JSON data and use the Paste JSON As Classes command to copy it into a .NET COBOL file. This generates COBOL classes that enable you to deserialize the data in those classes.
  • Document Outline window for COBOL files.
  • Editor support is available for local variables and parameterized sections.
  • Format with code cleanup can now be configured to change any keywords in your code to lowercase or uppercase.