To import an enterprise server

You can import an enterprise server to a local directory server. You need to have the server definition files (either in XML format or packaged as a .zip archive) exported from another instance of Enterprise Developer.

  1. In the Server Explorer view, expand the containing ESCWA node.
  2. Right-click the required Micro Focus Directory Server and select Import.

    The Import Server dialog box is displayed, in which you can specify the following details:

    Import server definition file
    Specify the server definition file (either in XML format or a .zip archive) which was previously exported from Enterprise Developer.
    Resource definition file location
    Optional. Specify the folder on your machine where the server resource definition files will be saved.

    If you leave this blank, the resource definition file will be created in the location specified in the imported server definition file.

    Verbose output
    Select this option to view detailed information in the Output window during the server import.
  3. Click OK.

    The server details are imported and it is now part of the Micro Focus Directory Server.