Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
Select the number of the message you require details about:
FMP-1000-00-F FMP-1000-40-F No more core The amount of core given in the EXEC statement is exceeded, or no more core was available on the system when a GETMAIN was
issued. Possibly, an FMP loop limit was previously raised and the loop is causing the program to use additional core.
FMP-1006-01-F Invalid EVAL-BRACKETS Evaluation brackets are invalid or were not set properly. Evaluation brackets cannot be a numeric, alpha, quote, apostrophe,
left or right parenthesis; we recommend using the less-than and greater-than characters <>.
FMP-1006-02-F Invalid EVAL-BRACKETS-AUX Auxiliary evaluation brackets are invalid or were not set properly. Evaluation brackets cannot be a numeric, alpha, quote,
apostrophe, left or right parenthesis.
FMP-1012-00-F Loop limit reached The maximum number of FMP loops (initiated by % REPEAT, % UNTIL, % WHILE) performed during processing is equal to the
setting of the loop limit counter % SET LOOP-LIMIT (default = 200) or &D2-TOKEN-MAX.
FMP-1020-00-F Requested member not found The member included by a % INCLUDE was not found. Member was not in specified PDS or member name was misspelled on FMP % INCLUDE.
FMP-1025-00-E Program error - contact your AMB rep An internal error within the AMB compiler (portion that reads % INCLUDE files) occurred. During I/O processing an OPEN
or READ call was issued for a channel that did not have a prior LOOKUP or CLOSE call. The channel number passed from
SSTCTIM to SSTDDNA is less than 1 or greater than the maximum number of channels. An invalid call code was passed from
FMP-1028-00-F I-O error FMT1 DSCB The error occurred executing an OPEN call instruction for a data set on a direct access device. An I/O error occurred
reading the FORMAT1 DSCB. Or, the FORMAT1 DSCB for the data set could not be found either on the first volume specified
by the DD statement, the volume indexed by the volume sequence number, or in the catalog.
FMP-1029-00-E VOL mount prob rerun No unit is available for mounting the specified volume. The volume already on the allocated unit is either permanently
resident or reserved. It could not be unmounted in order to mount the required volume, or the volume cannot be unmounted
because another DCB is open on that device.
FMP-1030-00-E INVALID CONCATENATION An open call instruction was issued for a partitioned data set concatenated with a data set that does not reside on a
direct access storage device (DASD). Partitioned data sets can be concatenated only with data sets having like attributes.
FMP-1031-00-E Unknown - see SYSMSG During I/O processing an error was detected but the I/O program that reads FMP % INCLUDE files could not analyze the error.
FMP-2007-00-E Invalid DCLR sub This message occurs when attempting to use a variable as a subscript which was already defined to FMP as a nonsubscript.
Possibly a Declare part was used as a Declare subscript.
FMP-2010-00-E Compound built-in function This is caused by using a built-in function as an argument within another built-in function. This is allowed only when:
FMP-2012-01-E Indentation error decreased The indentation increment for a given block of code is established by the number of indented spaces of the first line of indented
code within the block. All indentation within the block must then use the same indentation increment established by the first
indented statement, until a new block begins. For further processing, the line indentation is decreased to the level of the
current indentation.
FMP-2012-02-E Invalid indentation The indentation increment for a given block of code is established by the number of indented spaces of the first line of indented
code within the block. All indentation within the block must then use the same indentation increment established by the first
indented statement, until a new block begins.
FMP-2017-00-F Invalid indent in loop The indentation increment for a given block of code is established by the number of indented spaces of the first line of indented
code within the block. All indentation within the loop must use the same indentation increment established by the first indented
statement, until the loop ends.
FMP-2030-00-E SET coded in improper location A % SET WORKING STORAGE, FILE, FILE-CONTROL, LINKAGE, DATA, or SPECIAL-NAMES was encountered somewhere other than the Procedure
Division or procedural code.
FMP-2041-00-E Invalid indent in def The indentation increment for a given block of code is established by the number of indented spaces of the first line of indented
code within the block. All indentation within the block must use the same indentation increment established by the first indented
statement, until a new block begins.
FMP-2063-00-E Non-numeric arg A non-numeric argument was supplied to a built-in function that requires a numeric argument.
FMP-2064-00-E Right paren or comma expected Evaluation of a statement terminated incorrectly. Either a right parenthesis was omitted, or a comma was not used as a delimiter
between fields.
FMP-2077-00-E Statement not allowed in column 7 Only comment or continuation characters are allowed in column 7. A shift right was attempted but the statement went to column
72 and the shift could not be accomplished.
FMP-2081-00-E DECLARE part above not a group A DECLARE part can reference several elementary level DECLARE parts. To do this, the group DECLARE part cannot have a picture
and the subordinate DECLARE parts must be indented under the group level DECLARE part.
FMP-2095-00-E FMP cont ( ) expected but not found The FMP call arguments begun on a previous line were not closed with a right parenthesis. Therefore, continuation of the arguments
was expected on the next line, but the % ... expected to signal the continuation was not found.
FMP-2112-00-E Undefined symbol & Symbolic variable was encountered for which no value is assigned. This variable can reside within a line of the source program,
or as the value of another symbolic variable.
FMP-2223-00-E &FLDNAME value illegal The content of a % DECLARE subscript resolved &FLDNAME to the name of an already defined &FLDNAME, call name, or FDEFINE name.
FMP-3001-00-W Incompatible expression types Two expressions being compared using <, >, NOT < or NOT > are incompatible types (that is, a numeric variable being compared
to a string).
FMP-3006-00-W Statement shifted to right A character was found in column 7 but the statement did not exceed column 72 so the line was shifted to the right. COBOL expects
statements to start in column 8. Column 7 is for COBOL continuation and comment characters.
FMP-9002-00-F Source stack overflow Number of source levels in stack exceeded maximum of 139. Too many nested sources (that is, invocations of calls or % INCLUDES).
AMB internal error.
FMP-9005-00-F Indent stack underflow Internal AMB error. Can be caused by a nonblank character incorrectly placed or generated when expanded into column 72.
Another cause is a statement that should be continued is not continued. For example:
FMP-9006-00-F Internal fatal error Internal AMB error. During a call to the SSTTBL module for FMP table creation and LOOKUP routines, incorrect parameters were
FMP-9007-00-E Storage exceeded Internal AMB error. During a call to the SSTTBL module for FMP table creation and LOOKUP routines, storage exceeded.