Display information in the dynamic area of a panel instead of using ISPF table services. Called by several programs. ultra fast. These messages have a SHORT and LONG description, separated by a ’|’.
SER3100I Command not recognized | Enter (I)nsert, (D)elete, (R)epeat, (E)dit, e(X)clude\
Explanation: An unrecognized command has been entered.
Solution: Correct the command.
SER3101I Protected area | Line commands are permitted in the first two positions only
Explanation: A line command is in the wrong spot, is should be in the two leftmost positions. Solution: Correct the command.
SER3102I Invalid command | Follow "Locate" with a space and an argument up to 8 characters long
Explanation: A locate command has been entered with invalid syntax.
Solution: Correct the command.
SER3103I (COMMAND) Pending | Block command {
) is pending
Explanation: A COMMAND is pending.
Solution: The COMMAND is on a screen not currently visible to the user. Page forward or backward to locate the command, or enter a ’RESET ALL’ to reset the COMMAND and start over.
SER3104I Command conflict | Block command {
) is pending; complete it or blank it out
Explanation: Block COMMAND mismatch, for example a CC is entered as one block command and a DD is entered for the other block command.
Solution: The BLOCK COMMANDS must match, correct and re-enter.
SER3105I Invalid command | Enter "F" or "L", plus a numeric, blank or "*" on excluded lines
Explanation: Invalid exclude reset command.
Solution: Correct the command and re-enter.
SER3106I Invalid command | Enter HELP for valid primary command syntax
Explanation: ISPF command error.
Solution: Enter HELP for more information including a list of valid commands.
SER3107I Invalid command | Follow "Locate" or "Begin" with a numeric value from 0 to 999999
Explanation: Invalid LOCATE COMMAND syntax.
Solution: Correct the command and re-enter.
SER3108I Invalid command | Enter "F"/"L"/"U", plus a numeric, blank or "*" on deleted lines
Explanation: Invalid DELETEd LINE COMMAND.
Solution: Correct the command and re-enter.
SER3109I Not supported | "{
scroll left/scroll right
}" is not supported
Explanation: SCROLL LEFT and SCROLL RIGHT are not supported.
SER3110I Severe error | End the session; Contact local help desk
Explanation: Severe error.
Solution: Contact your Sernet administrator.
SER3111I PQUERY Service error | ISPF PQuery Service error; Contact local help desk
Explanation: Severe error.
Solution: Contact your Sernet administrator.