Checklist: Upgrading Your Environment
To ensure a successful on-premises upgrade, complete the following tasks in the listed order:
Task |
See |
Download the installation packages. |
Downloading the Installation Packages for an On-Premises Deployment | |
(Conditional) To deploy Intelligence or Recon, install the ArcSight Database. |
Installing the Database | |
(Conditional) To prevent both the original and newly installed databases from ingesting duplicate events, stop data ingestion on the original database. |
Upgrade the CDF infrastructure. |
(Conditional) If you have previously deployed SOAR and plan to upgrade, delete the old resource definitions. |
Upgrade the deployed capabilities. |
Complete post-upgrade tasks. |
Completing Post Upgrade Tasks |
Complete the post-upgrade procedure. |
For a manual upgrade or one using autoUpgrade, apply the hotfix to remediate the log4j vulnerability. |
Apply security patches and latest updates to the deployed capabilities and the ArcSight Database. |
Upgrading to 22.1.2 |
Upgrade ESM. |