Installing Your License Key

ESM, ArcMC, Transformation Hub, Intelligence, Recon, and SOAR all require license keys. Each product ships with a 90-day instant-on evaluation license, which will enable functionality for a 90 day evaluation period after installation. In order for a product to continue functioning past the initial evaluation period, you will need to apply a valid license key. For more information about license keys, see the Understanding License Keys section.

To ensure continuity of functionality and event flow, make sure you apply your product license before the evaluation license has expired.

To install your license:

  1. Log in to the Management Portal (https://<ha-address>:5443).
  3. Click License.
  4. For more information about license management capabilities, see AutoPass License Management documentation.
  5. Click License > Install.
  6. Click ADD FILE(S).
  7. Browse to the location of your license file.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Optionally, select the I authorize Micro Focus to collect suite and product data... check box to send usage data to Micro Focus to help improve the product.
  10. Follow the prompts to apply your license.
  11. Apply all of the licenses required for your deployed capabilities.
  12. (Conditional) If you just installed a Transformation Hub license, restart each Kafka pod in the cluster, one at a time, as follows:
    1. For each of the Kafka pods from 0 to x, restart the selected Kafka pod with the command:
      # kubectl delete pod th-kafka-(x) -n arcsight-installer-XXX
    2. Watch the logs and ensure that each Kafka pod is up and running by running this command:
      # kubectl logs th-kafka-(x) -n arcsight-installer-XXX
    3. After the selected broker node is up and running, only then proceed to restart the next node.
    4. You can also check the status of the restarted broker node using the Transformation Hub Kafka Manager.
  13. (Conditional) If you just installed an ArcSight Management Center (ArcMC) the ArcMC pod needs to be restarted after uploading the license, as follows:
    # kubectl delete pod fusion-arcmc-web-app-XXX -n arcsight-installer-XXX