Configuring and Running the CDF Installer

After the installation packages have been downloaded, validated, and uncompressed in the download folder, you are ready to configure and run the CDF Installer. For a complete list of optional parameters, see CDF Installation CLI Commands.

To configure and run the CDF Installer:

  1. Log in to one of the local master nodes where you downloaded and extracted the installation files as the root user. (In this document, the selected master node is referred to as the Initial Master Node. You initiate installations from the Initial Master Node.)
    If you choose to install as a sudo user, log in to the master node as the non-root user. Sudo user installation is supported only for manual deployments.
  2. Run the CDF Installer on the Initial Master Node with the following commands.
    If you choose to install as a sudo user, execute this install command using the sudo command.
    In the following commands, the italicized Docker parameters are optional, based on your network environment.
    cd {​​unzipped-installer-dir}/installers/cdf 
    ./install -m <path_to_a_metadata_file> --k8s-home <path_to_installation_directory> --nfs-server <your_nfs_server_FQDN or IP Address> --nfs-folder <itom_volume_folder>
    --docker-http-proxy <your_docker_http_proxy_value> --docker-https-proxy <your_docker_https_proxy_value> --docker-no-proxy <your_docker_no_proxy_value>
    --ha-virtual-ip <your_HA_ip> --tmp-folder <your_temp_folder>
  3. You are prompted for a password, which will be used to log in to the CDF installer portal. For example:

    cd /opt/arcsight/download/installers/cdf/arcsight-platform-installer-x.x.x.x
    ./install -m /opt/arcsight/download/arcsight-platform-installer-xxxxx/metadata/arcsight-installer-metadata-x.x.x.x.tar --k8s-home /opt/arcsight/kubernetes --docker-http-proxy "" --docker-https-proxy "" --docker-no-proxy "localhost,,my-vmenv-node1,,,"
    --nfs-server --nfs-folder /opt/arcsight-nfs/itom-vol --ha-virtual-ip --tmp-folder /opt/tmp
  4. You might need to configure some additional parameters, depending on your organization’s OS, network, and storage configurations.
  5. After the CDF Installer is configured and installed, you can use it to deploy one or more capabilities into the cluster.