CDF Manual Installer Script install
Command Line Arguments
Argument |
Description |
Flag to indicate whether to auto configure the firewall rules during node deployment. The allowable values are true or false. The default is true. |
Specifies the logical name of the cluster. |
Specifies the absolute path of the folder for placing the log files from deployments. |
Proxy settings for Docker.
Specify if accessing the Docker hub or Docker registry requires a proxy. By default, the value will be configured from the http_proxy environment variable on
your system. |
Proxy settings for Docker.
Specify if accessing the Docker hub or Docker registry requires a proxy. By default, the value will be configured from https_proxy environment variable on
your system |
Specifies the IPv4 addresses or FQDs that do not require proxy settings for Docker. By default, the value will be configured from the no_proxy environment variable on your
system. |
This parameter enables suites to enable and disable FIPS. The expected values are true or false. The default is false. |
If ‘swapping’ is enabled, specifies whether to make the kubelet fail to start. Set to true or false. The default is true. |
Specifies flannel backend type. Supported values are vxlan and host-gw. The default is host-gw. Note: The arcsight-install tool has two prechecks that will validate if Layer 2 connectivity is present between nodes. If not, the tool will recommend to use vxlan for flannel back end type. |
A Virtual IP (VIP) is an IP address that is shared by all master nodes. The VIP is used for the connection redundancy by providing failover for one machine. Should a master node fail, another master node takes over the VIP address and responds to requests sent to the VIP. Mandatory for a Multi-Master cluster; not applicable to a single-master cluster The VIP must be resolved (forward and reverse) to the VIP Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) |
Specifies the absolute path of the directory for the installation binaries. By default, the Kubernetes installation directory is /opt/arcsight/kubernetes. |
Specifies whether to enable nopreempt mode for KeepAlived. The allowable value of this parameter is true or false. The default is true and KeepAlived is started in nopreempt mode. |
Specifies the virtual router ID for KEEPALIVED. This virtual router ID is unique for each cluster under the same network segment. All nodes in the same cluster should use the same value, between 0 and 255. The default is 51. |
Specifies the absolute path of the hosts file used for host name resolution in a non-DNS environment. Note: Although this option is supported by the CDF Installer, its use is strongly discouraged to avoid using DNS resolution in production environments, due to hostname resolution issues and the nuances involved in their mitigations. |
IP address or host name of load
balancer used for communication between the master nodes. For a multiple master node cluster, it is required to provide |
Specifies the https port for the Kubernetes (K8S) API server. The default is 8443. |
Specifies the path to the NFS core volume. |
Address of the NFS host. |
Specifies the size of the subnet allocated to each host for pod network addresses. |
Specifies the private network address range for the Kubernetes pods. Default is The minimum useful network prefix is /24. The maximum useful network prefix is /8. This must not
overlap with any IP ranges assigned to services (see |
The organization inside the public Docker registry name where suite images are located. Not mandatory. Select one of the following:
Specifies the absolute path for
placing Kubernetes runtime data. By
default, the runtime data directory is |
Kubernetes service IP range. Default is Must not overlap the POD_CIDR range. Specifies the
network address for the Kubernetes services. The minimum useful network
prefix is /27 and the maximum network prefix is /12. If SERVICE_CIDR is not
specified, then the default value is This must not overlap with any IP ranges
assigned to nodes for pods. See |
Option used to skip the time synchronization check if the node is lost. The default is true. |
Option used to skip the warnings in precheck when installing the Initial master Node. Set to true or false. The default is false. |
The group ID exposed on server; default is 1999. |
The user ID exposed on server; default is 1999. |
Specifies the path to the Docker
devicemapper, which must be in the
Specifies the absolute path of the temporary folder for
placing temporary files. The default temporary folder is |
Displays a help message explaining proper parameter usage |
Specifies the absolute path of the tar.gz suite metadata packages. |
Azure CDF install Script Command Line Arguments (Optional)
Argument |
Description |
Absolute path of the configuration json file for silent installation. |
Deployment name for suite installation. (Note: -n is to be deprecated in future versions.) |
Specifies the volume size of pg-backup component. The size must be a plain integer or as a fixed-point integer and the unit must be one of E,P,T,G,M,K,Ei,Pi,Ti,Gi,Mi,Ki; example: 10Gi |
A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for alpha/experimental features. The allowable value of this parameter is mapStringBool. Comma-delimited list of strings, each entry format is NameOfFeature=true|false. Options are:
Specifies the server for NFS, used to create persistent volume claim 'itom-vol-claim' |
Specifies the folder for NFS, used to create persistent volume claim 'itom-vol-claim'. |
Specifies the loadbalancer info. This parameter value formats such as: "KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2;...;KEYn=VALUEn" Example: For gcp: --loadbalancer-info "LOADBALANCERIP=x.x.x.x" For alicloud: --loadbalancer-info "LOADBALANCERID=xxx" |
Specifies the volume size of fluentd component. The size must be a plain integer or as a fixed-point integer and the unit must be one of E,P,T,G,M,K,Ei,Pi,Ti,Gi,Mi,Ki; example: 10Gi |
-P, password
Specifies the password for suite administrator which will be created during installation. Wrap the password with single quotes. For example, 'Password@#$!123'. |
Specifies the organization name(namespace) where the suite images are placed. The default name is 'hpeswitom'. |
Specifies the path of trusted CA root certificate (bas64 X.509 format) of external registry. |
Specifies the password for registry. |
Specifies the password file for registry. |
Option used to skip the warning(s) in precheck when install. |
Specifies the absolute path of the temporary folder for placing temporary files.
The default temporary folder is '/tmp '.
External suite database user name. |
External suite database password. |
External suite database connection URL. |
External suite database connection certificate. |
Specifies the registry for URL. |
Specifies the username for registry. |
Specifies the external access host. |
Specifies the cloud provider when installing CDF on a cloud server. The allowable value of this parameter is 'alicloud', 'gcp' (case- sensitive) |