Preparing a Private DNS Zone

Required permissions: create private DNS zone. You will also need a link to the virtual network.

To prepare the private DNS zone:

  1. Set your main resource group name to an environment variable, for example:
  2. Create the private-dns zone (for example, in your resource group by running the command:
    az network private-dns zone create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n
 You can use another zone name in place of, but you must use the same DNS suffix for the --external-access-host argument during CDF installation.
  1. Link the private-dns zone with your virtual network by running the command:
    az network private-dns link vnet create \
    -n DNSLink \
    -z \
    -v <your virtual network, such as demo-vnet> \
    -e false

Next Step: Assigning an IP Address to Private DNS