Installing CDF

  1. Download the CDF deployer and the ArcSight metadata files to a secure network location.
  2. SSH to your jump host and become root.
  3. Upload the CDF deployer and ArcSight metadata files to a directory on the jump host.
  4. Unzip the deployer and run the installation. For example:
cd cdf-deployer/
./install \
--nfs-server \
--nfs-folder /nfs/itom-vol \
--registry-orgname your-org-name \
--registry-url \
--registry-username srgdemo \
--registry-password GEev87wtAW+FtBGTyADxgr9Fivg6a2gC \
--external-access-host \
--noinfra \
--loadbalancer-info "azure-load-balancer-internal=true;LOADBALANCERIP=" \
--cloud-provider AZURE


The following arguments apply to the install command:

--nfs-server Your NFS server private IP or NetApp end IP.
--registry-url Login server (from the Access keys tab in your ACR resource)
--registry-username Username (from the Access keys tab in your ACR resource)
--registry-password Password (from the Access keys tab in your ACR resource)
--registry-orgname Organization name. Use the same value as for the -o argument you specified during the uploading of your images to the ACR,

DNS domain name configured earlier. For example,

  • If you use a different name for private-dns zone in the previous step, then change the value of --external-access-host to fit your DNS; that is, installer.<YOUR NAME>
  • You can verify this value on the Azure portal, in the main resource group, under Private DNS Zone resource.
--cloud-provider Specifies the cloud provider when installing CDF on a cloud server. The allowed value of this parameter is AZURE.

Specifies load balancer information. The argument azure-load-balancer-internal=true is always required.
The value of LOADBALANCERIP must be the value specified in Assigning an IP Address to Private DNS.

For a complete list of optional parameters, see CDF Installation CLI Commands.