Managing Assets

This topic explains how to:

Where: Navigator's Resources tab > Assets

To create or edit an asset:

Tip: In addition to creating assets manually using the Console (as described in this topic), you can create assets using the Network Model wizard or dynamically from scanner data.

  1. Select an asset group. Expand it if you are editing an asset in that group.

  2. If you are creating an asset, right-click the group and choose New Asset.

    If you are editing an asset, right-click the asset and choose Edit Asset.

  3. Click OK.

To move or copy an asset:

  1. Drag and drop the asset into another group.

  2. Choose one:

    Move to move the asset

    Copy to make a separate copy of the asset

    Link to create a copy of the asset that is linked to the original asset. Changes to either the original or linked asset changes both instances of the asset. Deletion of either the original or linked asset deletes both instances of the asset.

To delete an asset:

Caution: Take care when deleting assets. Asset groups required for correct operation are locked; however, depending on your permissions, it is possible to delete the individual assets in those groups, such as the assets automatically created to track ArcSight components.

Do not delete ArcSight System Administration assets without consulting an ArcSight administrator.

  1. Right-click an asset and choose Delete Asset.

  2. Click Yes to confirm.

To show assets in a channel:

  1. Right-click an asset or group of assets and choose Show Assets.

    The assets are displayed in an active channel grid view.

  2. If applicable, you can also show not only assets in the selected group but also all children in the group. To do so, right-click an asset group, and choose Show Assets Recursively.

To find an asset:

If you want to save time locating one asset in a potentially large set on the Navigator, use resource search. See Finding Resources for instructions.