If you are having trouble logging into a domain from X Manager for Domains or X Administrative Console, check the following:
Check to see if you entered the correct Reflection X Advantage domain name (not your Windows domain) in the
dialog box. The Reflection X Advantage domain name is always the name of the computer running the Reflection X Advantage domain controller. Get this information from the Reflection X Advantage domain administrator.Ensure that the version of X Manager for Domains running on your workstation is the same or newer than the version running on the domain controller.
Ensure that the domain controller service is running and that the host is available on your network.
If you upgraded from a version earlier than 5.0 and run in FIPS mode, the certificates used to authenticate domain components need to be upgraded. See Upgrade Digital Certificates used by Reflection X Advantage Domains.
If you are having trouble logging into a domain from the X Administrative Console, check the following:
You can be locked out of a domain if you forget the administrator password, change authentication methods without adding an administrative account, or experience a problem with the external authentication system. You can unlock the domain without losing your configuration data by using the rxsconfig utility. For details, see Unlock a Domain.
If you are running on a UNIX system and cannot log in as root, log in using a different account name. On some UNIX systems, the pam_securetty module is configured by default to allow root logins only if the user is logging in on a secure tty. On these systems you cannot log onto the Reflection X Advantage domain using root credentials.