Uninstalling Reflection X Advantage does not remove your configured database. Use these procedures to remove the database files.
To remove database files from a Windows installation
To remove the database used by X Manager for Domains, navigate to the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% folder (typically C:\ProgramData) and remove the .attachmate folder and all of its subfolders.
To remove the database used by the standalone X Manager, navigate to one of the following locations and remove the db folder and all of its subfolders.
If you installed a current version, the database is in the Personal Documents folder under Micro Focus\Reflection.
If you upgraded from a version prior to 5.1, the database is in the User Profile folder under \.attachmate\rx\.
To remove files from a UNIX installation
Delete the installation directory. The default location is:
/opt/ rxadvantage
For example, navigate to the opt folder and enter:
rm -fr rxadvantage
The db and logs subdirectories of the installation directory contain the database and logs used by X Manager for Domains.
Navigate to the home directory of any user who has configured X Manager and remove the .microfocus (or .attachmate) directory and all of its subdirectories. For example:
rm -fr .microfocus
This directory contains the database and logs used by X Manager.