In VT terminal sessions, you can access a gallery of Quick Keys from the Ribbon. The specific set of keys available from the gallery depends on the terminal type your session is emulating. The standard keys for VT terminals are shown below.
Select to send a program function key to the host. |
Select to send a VT function key to the host. |
The VT keyboard has a block of six editing keys that Reflection simulates. These keys send the following escape sequences:
<ESC>[1~ |
<ESC>[2~ |
<ESC>[3~ |
<ESC>[4~ |
<ESC>[5~ |
<ESC>[6~ |
This command:
For all types of connections, an XON (DC1) signal is sent to the host. This command can often remedy communications problems when the host connection appears to be "stuck." Clear Communications does not disconnect you from the host computer. |
Also called a "soft reset," this command:
Also called a "hard reset," this command restores the terminal settings for the active connection to their last saved settings. Settings specific to Reflection, such as file transfer settings, preferences, and printer settings, are not reset. In addition, this command:
Select to send an Enter key to the host. |