Configure Workspace Attributes Dialog Box

You can configure options for logging, running remote sessions, and displaying Help. You can also specify the user data directory, in which session documents and other related files are saved.


Enable event logging

Select to send error information to the Windows logging service.

Enable HLLAPI logging

Select to enable HLLAPI logging to the specified file.

Remote Session

Optimize Citrix and WTS sessions

Select to turn off cursor blinking and disable the splash screen when running Reflection under Citrix or WTS.

NOTE:This setting is ignored if you are not running under Citrix or WTS.

Help System

When displaying help

Specify whether to use the product Help as it appears on the Micro Focus Web site or the Help installed on your local computer.

If the Help system you specify is not available, Reflection will use the other one.

Show Help on Ribbon

Displays the Help icon and menu on the Ribbon.


Default user data directory

Type the path for the default directory in which session and other documents are saved, or click Browse to locate it. All Open and Save As dialog boxes default to this directory (including, for example, screen history and scratch pad files).

NOTE:To reopen the file later, it must be saved in a trusted location.

Default legacy EXTRA! directory

Type or browse to the default directory in which to save legacy EXTRA! macros or other legacy files, such as quickpads.